{"leader":"18064nam#a2201249#i#450#","fields":[{"001":"2284"},{"005":"20241002100608.3"},{"008":{"ind1":" ","ind2":" ","subfields":[{"":"20211110d2021####ek#y0engy0150####ca"}]}},{"020":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"978-1-922756-01-5"}]}},{"041":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"RUS"}]}},{"044":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"xxu"}]}},{"072":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"7","subfields":[{"$a":"General. BUS000000"}]}},{"080":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"\u00d0\u00ad\u00d0\u00ba\u00d0\u00be\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00be\u00d0\u00bc\u00d0\u00b8\u00d0\u00ba\u00d0\u00b0. \u00d0\u00ad\u00d0\u00ba\u00d0\u00be\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00be\u00d0\u00bc\u00d0\u00b8\u00d1\u0087\u00d0\u00b5\u00d1\u0081\u00d0\u00ba\u00d0\u00b8\u00d0\u00b5 \u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b0\u00d1\u0083\u00d0\u00ba\u00d0\u00b8. 33"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, Vera Evgen'evna"},{"$a":"Don State Technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Krokhicheva, Galina Egorovna"},{"$a":"Don state technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina, Nataliya Yur'evna"},{"$a":"Don State Technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Lesnyak, Vladimir Vladimirovich"},{"$a":"Don State Technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Kurshubadze, Kristina Durmishkhanovna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Aistova, Anastasia Andreevna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Rudenko, Elizaveta Olegovna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Reutova, Ravida Olegovna"},{"$a":"Don State Technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Rudnitskaya, Ekaterina Evgenievna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Popova, Karina Alekseevna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Makarova, Anna Alekseevna"},{"$a":"Don State Technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Cherkasov, Kirill Vadimovich"},{"$a":"Don State Technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Semerninova, Darya Olegovna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Klimov, Denis Victorovich"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Muradyan, Vitaliy Arturovich"},{"$a":"Don State Technical University"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Gorodinskaya, Irina Yurievna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Pilyuk, Darya Sergeevna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Leonova, Mariya Evgenievna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Murza, Bogdan Rostislavovich"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"100":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"1","subfields":[{"$a":"Tepegendjiyan, Anguelina Akopovna"},{"$a":"Don state technical university"}]}},{"245":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"0","subfields":[{"$a":"Application of accounting, analysis and audit in enterprise management"},{"$c":"Monography"}]}},{"260":{"ind1":"1","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Melbourne"},{"$b":"AUS PUBLISHERS"},{"$c":"2021"}]}},{"300":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"82 p."}]}},{"500":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"It is impractical to plan the further work of the company without taking into account analytical data for previous production periods. Analytical accounting data allows managers to build a company's strategy or make changes to an existing development plan. The importance of accounting for the enterprise plays a large role at the planning stage of the further business strategy. A competent manager studies accounting data before making the next decision regarding the company's finances. The easiest way to streamline accounting documents and eliminate errors in it is to conduct an internal audit. Such an audit will protect the company from possible fines and problems with tax audits. It will help optimize accounting and document flow, and simplify relations with banks and counterparties. Economic analysis aims to turn economic and non-economic information into useful information for decision making. Logical processing, study, generalization of facts, their systematization, conclusions, proposals, search for reserves - all these tasks are solved within the framework of economic analysis, which is designed to ensure the validity of management decisions and increase its effectiveness.\r\nThis monograph is a collective work of teachers and students of the Department of Economic Security, Accounting and Law of the Don State Technical University. It is devoted to the consideration of certain issues of accounting, audit and economic analysis at the enterprise in modern conditions."},{"$a":"accounting, internal audit, economic analysis, management accounting, financial statements, profitability"},{"$a":"10.26526\/monography_618ba6f2989171.05397055"}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Annual report - 2020 \/ ed. IN AND. Meshcheryakov. - M .: Agency of accounting information. \u00e2\u0080\u00932020. - 768 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu., Boguslav E.N., Sangadzhieva A.S. Strategic risk analysis in order to improve the security of the company \/\/ Economics and business: theory and practice. \u00e2\u0080\u00932020. \u00e2\u0080\u0093No. 11-2 (69). -WITH. 22-25."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu., Klimina K.V., Li I.A. Building a system of corporate economic security \/\/ Economics and business: theory and practice. \u00e2\u0080\u00932020. \u00e2\u0080\u0093No. 11-2 (69). -WITH. 26-28."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Krutyakova T.L. Annual report 2020. \u00e2\u0080\u0093M .: ICGroup. - 2020. -624 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Annual report. Financial statements for commercial organizations - 2020 \/ under total. ed. d. e. n. Yu.A. Vasilyeva. \u00e2\u0080\u0093M .: BiToBi. - 2020. \u00e2\u0080\u0093241 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Accounting management accounting \/ D.V. Lysenko. Moscow: NITs INFRA-M, 2016.477 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Accounting (financial and management) \/ N.P. Kondrakov. Moscow: NITs INFRA-M, 2016.584 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Management accounting and analysis. With examples from Russian and foreign practice \/ V.I. Petrova, A. Yu. Petrov, I.V. Kobishchan et al. M .: NITs INFRA-M, 2016.304 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, VE Theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of accounting by segments and types of activity \/ VE Shumilina \/\/ Engineering Bulletin of the Don. - 2012. - No. 3 (21). - S. 822-825."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilin P.E. The use of accounting engineering tools in the implementation of reorganization processes \/ P.E. Shumilin \/\/ Construction-2012. materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. RSSU. Rostov-on-Don, 2012.S. 148-150."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Ilyina N.O., Ukolova S.I. Analysis of the liquidity of an enterprise as an element of organization management \/\/ Politics, Economics and Innovations. 2017. No. 2 (12). P. 10."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, VE Problems of cost management at the enterprise \/ VE Shumilina, AI Omelchenko, I. Yu. Gorodinskaya \/\/ Business safety management in modern conditions. - Moscow: AUSPUBLISHERS, 2021 .-- S. 159-171."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, V. E. Problems of cost management at the enterprise \/ V. E. Shumilina, A. I. Omelchenko, I. Yu. Gorodinskaya \/\/ Business safety management in modern conditions. - Moscow: AUSPUBLISHERS, 2021 .-- S. 159-171."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Egorova V.V., Sabanova Yu.S. Financial methods of enterprise profitability and liquidity management \/\/ Science Alley. 2017.Vol. 4.No. 10.P. 524-529."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Fedorovich T.V. Information support of financial management as one of the management functions in large business structures \/\/ Finance and Credit. 2017. No. 21.S. 20-27."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Zubova E.V. Problems of solvency and liquidity of Russian enterprises \/\/ Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering, education and economics. 2017.Vol. 5.No. 2 (4). S. 56-60."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu., Zaliev E.K. The use of management accounting for making management decisions \/\/ Economics and business: theory and practice. - 2020. \u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0084\u0096 6 (64). -WITH. 117-119."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu., Shmalko K.A., Balkizov A.Yu. Features of the formation of cost centers at enterprises \/\/ World and Russian science: areas of development and innovation. Sat scientific articles \u00e2\u0080\u0093Moscow, 2020. \u00e2\u0080\u0093S. 238-240."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu., Shmalko K.A., Balkizov A.Yu. Actual approaches to the use of responsibility centers as the basis of management accounting \/\/ World and Russian science: areas of development and innovation. Sat scientific articles \u00e2\u0080\u0093Moscow, 2020. \u00e2\u0080\u0093S. 241-243."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Kirkach Yu.N. Formation of the system of internal corporate control in the organization \/\/ Audit statements. - 2017. - No. 1-2. - p. 161 - 166."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Kotova K.Yu., Baleevskikh V.G. A systematic approach to building a model of management accounting at an enterprise \/\/ Management accounting. \u00e2\u0080\u00932016. - No. 2. -WITH. 22 - 34."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Mikhailova, A.S. On the issue of the importance of taking into account \u00e2\u0080\u009crisk\u00e2\u0080\u009d as an object for determining the content of the \u00e2\u0080\u009ccompliance control\u00e2\u0080\u009d function \/\/ Lawyer. - 2017. \u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0084\u009618. - S. 20 - 24."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Aliev I.M. Income and wages policy \/ I.M. Aliev, N.A. Gorelov. R. \/ N.D: Phoenix, 2016.S. 384."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Barngolts S. B. Economic analysis of economic activity at the present stage of development: textbook. manual \/ S.B. Barngolz. \u00e2\u0080\u0094M .: Finance and statistics, 2018. - 379 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Volivok OA Organization of accounting and analysis of wages at the enterprise \/\/ KNZh. 2020. No. 2 (31)."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"P. Shumilin Accounting and audit of enterprise reorganization \/ P.E. Shumilin \/ RSSU, Rostov n \/ a, 2012."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Ogorodnikova E.P. Tax and accounting of fixed assets in modern conditions \/ E.P. Ogorodnikova \/\/ Audit statements. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 35-41."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"P.E. Shumilin Crisis of wages during the transition to the market \/ P.E. Shumilin \/\/ UNIVERSITY INITIATIVE - 99. Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, 2000. P. 47-49."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, V. E. Problems of cost management at the enterprise \/ V. E. Shumilina, A. I. Omelchenko, I. Yu. Gorodinskaya \/\/ Business safety management in modern conditions. - Moscow: AUSPUBLISHERS, 2021 .-- S. 159-171."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, V. E. Analysis of the economic security of an economic entity \/ V. E. Shumilina, V. I. Poluyan \/\/ Business security management in modern conditions. - Moscow: AUSPUBLISHERS, 2021 .-- S. 45-55."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, V. E. Labor market statistics: A TRAINING AID \/ V. E. Shumilina, N. Yu. Izvarina. - Rostov-on-Don: Individual entrepreneur Bespamyatnov Sergey Vladimirovich, 2019 .-- 97 p. - ISBN 9785604338957."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Gorelov AB Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise and internal mechanisms of its recovery [Text] \/ A.B. Gorelov \/\/ Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2019. - No. 31."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Korovina A.M. Financial and economic sustainability of the enterprise and methods of its regulation [Text] \/ M.A. Bendikov, I. V. Sakharova, A.M. Korovin \/\/ Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2019. - No. 14."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilin P.E. Modeling the processes of aggregation and disaggregation of net assets and net liabilities \/ P.E. Shumilin \/\/ RUBIKON. Collection of scientific works of young scientists. Rostov State University. Rostov-on-Don, 2005.S. 85-87."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Melnikova Yu.A. Analysis and assessment of financial stability of a commercial enterprise \/ L.T. Gilyarovskaya, A.A. Vekhoreva. - SPb .: Peter, 2020 .-- 256 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Mikhailova OR Strategic management of enterprises of the national economy: textbook \/ ed. A.P. Gradova. - SPb .: Publishing house of Polytechnic. University, 2019 .-- 495 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Mikhaleva E.P. Analysis and management of the financial stability of the enterprise: textbook.-practical. manual \/ A.V. Grachev. - M .: Finpress, 2020 .-- 208 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, V. E. Management of business risks in the system of economic security \/ V. E. Shumilina, T. V. Sushkova, K. E. Shegerya \/\/: Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2, January 11, 2018 - 31 2019, 2019 .-- P. 9. - DOI 10.26526 \/ conferencearticle_5c50608381edb3.56789250."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, V. E. Economic security of small and medium-sized businesses \/ V. E. Shumilina, A. A. Borzykh \/\/ Business security management in modern conditions. - Moscow: AUSPUBLISHERS, 2021 .-- S. 74-83."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Shumilina, V. E. Economic analysis as a method for determining the business activity of an enterprise or a country \/ V. E. Shumilina, E. N. Boguslav, N. Yu. Chubka \/\/ Problems of Economics and Law in Modern Russia, Rostov-na- Don, 15 December 2020 - 28 2021. - Melbourne: AUS PUBLISHERS, 2021 .-- S. 136-140."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Arakelyants E.S. Economic analysis: practice: study guide. - Rostov-n \/ D: DSTU, 2020. - 160 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Arakelyants E.S., Lesnyak V.V., Selezneva E.M. Economic analysis: theory: textbook. - Rostov-n \/ D: DSTU, 2018 .-- 172 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Gubin V.E., Gubina O.V. Analysis of financial and economic activities: textbook. - M .: Publishing House \"Forum\", Infra-M, 2019. - 336 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Zharkovskaya E.P. Financial analysis of the activities of a commercial bank: textbook. - M .: Omega-L, 2019 .-- 325 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Kondrakov N. P. Accounting (financial and management): textbook. - M .: Infra-M, 2019 .-- 584 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Korobkova E.E. Why is the profitability of Russian enterprises falling? URL: https:\/\/energosmi.ru\/archives\/42577 (date of access: 26.03.2021)."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Lesnyak V.V., Selezneva E.M., Arakel'yants E.S. Complex economic analysis of economic activity: textbook. - Rostov-n \/ D: DSTU, 2019 .-- 199 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N. Yu., Albotova A. V. Internal audit in the corporate governance system \/\/ Young scientist. - 2018. - No. 19. - S. 46-47. URL https:\/\/moluch.ru\/archive\/205\/50148\/ (date accessed: 18.06.2021)."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N. Yu. Methodological aspects of internal audit in the system of economic security of the company \/\/ Legal issues of ensuring the economic security of the state in the conditions of society automation: collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. April 06, 2018, Rostov-on-Don \/ ed. Dr. Sociol. Sci., Cand. jurid. Sciences, Assoc. Isakova Yu.I. - Rostov n \/ D, 2018 .-- S. 417-422."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu., Levchenko M.A. Modern approaches to conducting a business security audit \/\/ Topical issues of ensuring economic security in the Russian Federation in the digital economy. \u00e2\u0080\u0093Melbourne, 2018. \u00e2\u0080\u0093P. 1-7."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Kirkach Yu.N. Formation of the system of internal corporate control in the organization \/\/ Audit statements. - 2017. - No. 1-2. - p. 161 - 166."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Federal Law \"On Accounting\" dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ (as amended by subsequent amendments and additions). Reference legal system Consultant plus [Electronic resource]. \u00e2\u0080\u0093URL: http:\/\/www.consultant.ru\/ (date of treatment 05\/28\/2021)."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia \"Organization and implementation by an economic entity of internal control of the committed facts of economic life, accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements\" dated 25.12.2013 No. PZ-11\/2013. Reference legal system Consultant plus [Electronic resource]. \u00e2\u0080\u0093URL: http:\/\/www.consultant.ru\/ (date of access 09.06.2021)."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N. Yu. Methodological aspects of internal audit in the system of economic security of a company \/\/ Legal issues of ensuring the economic security of the state in the conditions of society automation: collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference. April 06, 2018, Rostov-on-Don \/ ed. Dr. Sociol. Sci., Cand. jurid. Sciences, Assoc. Isakova Yu.I. - Rostov n \/ D, 2018 .-- S. 417-422."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu., Albotova A.V. Internal audit in the corporate governance system \/\/ Young scientist. - 2018. - No. 19 (205). - S. 46-47."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Kirkach Yu.N. Formation of the system of internal corporate control in the organization \/\/ Audit statements. - 2017. - No. 1-2. - p. 161 - 166."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Ghukasyan, Z.O., Tolmacheva, O.I. and others. Formation of information and methodological support for assessing the effectiveness and quality of corporate governance and the practice of its application: monograph \/\/ Kuban. state technol. un-t. - Krasnodar: Ed. FSBEI HE \"KubSTU\". - 2020.-175 p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Dacheva S.R., Piven I.G. Internal audit in the management of organizations: tasks, principles, features \/\/ Economics and business: theory and practice. - 2020. - No. 4-2 (62). -WITH. 65-68."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N. Yu., Albotova A. V. Internal audit in the corporate governance system \/\/ Young scientist. - 2018. - No. 19. - S. 46-47. URL https:\/\/moluch.ru\/archive\/205\/50148\/ (date accessed: 18.06.2021)."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N. Yu. Methodological aspects of internal audit in the system of economic security of a company \/\/ Legal issues of ensuring the economic security of the state in the conditions of society automation: collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. April 06, 2018, Rostov-on-Don \/ ed. Dr. Sociol. Sci., Cand. jurid. Sciences, Assoc. Isakova Yu.I. - Rostov n \/ D, 2018 .-- S. 417-422."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Kotlyarova O.A., Bzhasso A.A. Diagnostics of bankruptcy risk as the basis of economic security of an enterprise in modern conditions \/\/ Economics and business: theory and practice. - 2020. - No. 2-1 (60). - S. 153-156."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Brusyanin VE, Basic methodological methods of auditing funds \/\/ Young scientist. - 2018. - No. 50. - P.4-5."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu. Izvarina N.Yu., M.M. Miroshnikov \/\/ Actual problems of social and humanitarian sciences: collection of articles. scientific. tr. based on materials from international. scientific-practical Conf., November 30, 2017 - Belgorod: LLC Agency for Advanced Scientific Research (APNI), 2017. - Part III. - S. 76-80."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu. Accounting and analytical support of the company's control and auditing activities \/ N.Yu. Izvarina, A.A. Melikyan \/\/ Kazan social and humanitarian bulletin. - 2016 .-- S. 52-56."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu. Features of the internal audit in the system of economic security \/ N.Yu. Izvarina, A.V. Albotova \/\/ Scientific Dialogue: Economics and Management. - St. Petersburg: TsNK MOAN, 2018 .-- 145p."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Izvarina N.Yu. Izvarina N.Yu., Lozhnichenko D.S., M.M. Miroshnikov \/\/ Internet journal \"Bulletin of Eurasian Science\". - 2018. - No. 1. \u00e2\u0080\u0093URL: https:\/\/elibrary.ru\/item.asp?id=34918751"}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Korovina A.B. Typical violations identified during the audit of funds \/ A. B. Korovina, E. M. Novik \/\/ Audit in organizations. - 2018. - No. 4. - P.2-3."}]}},{"510":{"ind1":"0","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"Krokhicheva G.E. Audit in the system of economic security \/ G.E. Krokhicheva, E.L. Arkhipov, M.Yu. Bazdikyan \/\/ Science of Science. - 2015. - No. 5. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 URL: https:\/\/elibrary.ru\/item.asp?id=25380799"}]}},{"533":{"ind1":"#","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"There is an electronic copy"}]}},{"856":{"ind1":"4","ind2":"#","subfields":[{"$a":"w-science.com"},{"$u":""}]}}]}