Viktorov Alexander

Academic degree
graduate student of historical sciences
  1. Astrakhan state University , History of Russia , Postgraduate ,
Scientific interests
GRNTI 03.01 Общие вопросы исторических наук
GRNTI 03.09 Всеобщая история
GRNTI 03.23 История России
GRNTI 03.27 История Украины
GRNTI 03.29 История отдельных процессов, сторон и явлений человеческой деятельности
GRNTI 03.41 Археология
GRNTI 03.61 Этнография и историческая антропология
GRNTI 03.81 Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины
GRNTI 03.91 История отдельных стран
Contribution to science
A young scientist who is able to work in a team, has the skills of individual approach, with the experience of lectures and seminars, with the experience of writing and editing training materials. Able to communicate and work with people, sociable, creative thinking, with an active life position, purposeful, proactive, result-oriented, with a desire to grow and develop professionally.
State and public posts and positions
The work of expert councils: Aro " Business Russia "(History of Russian entrepreneurship) - Expert since 2015 Russian Academy of natural Sciences - Advisor since 2018
Articles in periodicals recommended by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation: Viktorov A. G. social and political life of the Astrakhan Region in 1965-1985. / A. G. Viktorov. // Prospects of science-2015 - № 10-P. 222-226. Viktorov A. G. social and political life of the Astrakhan region in 1965-1985. synopsis of the study. / Victor A. G. // science Prospects - 2016 - No. 8 41-45 Victorov A. G. Economic and political aspects of social and political life of the USSR 1965-1985 / A. G. Viktorov / / Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series "Humanities". - 2017. - № 10. - P. 15-18. Victorov A. G. the Influence of socio-political organization "Committee of Soviet women" (CSJ) on the formation of a positive socio-political climate in the USSR 1965-1985. / / Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series "Humanities". - 2017. - № 10. - P. 12-15. Victorov A. G. Forms of social and political interaction in 1965-1985 from the perspective of modern scientific knowledge. / A. G. Viktorov / / Global scientific potential-2017 - № 2-P. 65-68 Viktorov A. G. Ahmedov R. I. Interpretation of the term "From the Varangians to the Greeks" from the standpoint of modern scientific knowledge. / A. G. Viktorov, R. I. Shaahmedov // Science and business: ways of development – 2017 - № 10 – From 71-75 Analysis of comparative characteristics and indicators of social and political life of the Lower Volga region in 1965-1985 / A. G. Viktorov // Issues of national and Federal relations. - 2018. - № 1. - P. 20-29. Other publications: Viktorov A. G. To the question about the gaps in the historiography 1965-1985 gg/ A. G. Viktorov// history the Crossroads. Actual problems of historical science. - Since 2014. 5-10. 0.49 p. l. Viktorov A. G. Contradictions historiographical views of domestic and foreign historians on the political situation in the USSR of the 1965-1985 period./ Victor A. G.// SCIENCE AND education IN the MODERN WORLD. - Since 2014. 106-108. 0.49 p. l. Viktorov A. G. contradictions of the relations between the center and regions in 1965-1985 gg. (On materials of the Volga and Astrakhan region) / A. G. Viktorov// ASTRAKHAN local history READINGS. - №6 - - from 2014.313-315 . 0.49 p. l. Viktorov A. G. Historiography 1965-1985., Crisis or prosperity [Text] / A. G. Viktorov // Scientific researches in the field of social Sciences: new challenges: proceedings of the VIII Intern. scientific. Conf. (Ekaterinburg, February 2015). 49-52. Viktorov A. G. Characteristics of socio-economic and political life of Astrakhan in 1965-1985. [Text] / A. G. Viktorov // Modern concepts of scientific research: materials IX international. scientific. Conf. (Moscow, December 2014). from 138-140 Victorov A. G. the Relationship of power and society in 1965-1985 (on the materials of Astrakhan) / A. G. Viktorov// ASTRAKHAN regional studies READINGS. – №7 – 2015 – 0.49 237-239 p. L. Victorov A. G. Agitation and mass work of the Communist party in the Astrakhan region in 1965-1985./ A. G. Viktorov/ Prospects of development of science and education. /. - 2015-p. 51-54.. 0.49 p. l. Victorov A. G. Relations between the government and society in 1965-1985 (based on the materials of Astrakhan). / Victor A. G.// history the Crossroads. Actual problems of historical science. - 2015-p. 111-113 0.49 p. l – The Role of the all-Union society “Knowledge” in the development of the Astrakhan region 1965-1985./ A. G. Viktorov//Modern concepts of scientific research. – 2015 – p. 41 - 42 0.49 p. L. The Role of the Union of Soviet societies of Friendship and Cultural relations with foreign countries in the development of the Astrakhan region 1965-1985/ A. G. Viktorov// Scientific prospects of the XXI century. Achievements and prospects for the new century: proceedings of the XV Intern. scientific. Conf. (Novosibirsk, 11-12 September 2015). - 2015-p. with 45-46 0.49 p. l – Victorov A. G. participation of the Bureau of international youth tourism of the USSR "Sputnik" in the social and political life of the Lower Volga region 1965-1985. / / Bulletin of science and practice. - 2016.— April.— Vol. 1, No. 4 Vol. 4.— Pp. 239-242 Monographs: Viktorov A. G. Social and political life of the Soviet province in 1965-1985 (by the example of the Astrakhan region) - Kazan-2015. - 152 c
Monographs on private military companies. Title of the monograph: Symphony of war: private military companies and mercenaries in modern conflicts"
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
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