Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
GRNTI 06.75 Экономические проблемы организации и управления хозяйством страны
OKSO 38.05.01 Экономическая безопасность
BBK 6505 Управление экономикой. Экономическая статистика. Учет. Экономический анализ
TBK 7723 Государственное регулирование экономики
The article presents the economic security in the economic processes of Russia. Also the threats that affect the economic condition of the country and the main directions of the state policy in the field of economic security are given
Economic security, national security, threats, tasks, provision of the economic security
1. The strategy of economic security of Russia:
2. Vissarionov, B. A., Gumerov R. R. ON the USE of the LIMIT (THRESHOLD) values of INDICATORS of ECONOMIC SECURITY of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Management science. 2017. Vol. 7. No. 3. C. 12- 20.:
3. Bogomolov, V.A. Introduction to the specialty "Economic Security": Textbook / VA. Bogomolov. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 279 c.
4. Suglobov, A.E. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost' predpriyatiya: Uchebnoe posobie / A.E. Suglobov, S.A. Hmelev, E.A. Orlova. - M.: YuNITI, - 271 c.
5. Security of Russia. Legal, socio-economic and scientific-technical aspects. Fundamentals of information-psychological security. - M: International humanitarianБезопасность+России.+Правовые%2C+социально-экономические+и+научно-технические+аспекты.+Основы+информационно-психологической+безопасности
6. Vasily, Ivanovich Volkovsky Tax authorities and economic security of Russia / Vasily Ivanovich Volkovsky. - M .: Fund for the Support of Scientists, 220 c.Налоговые+органы+и+экономическая+безопасность+России
7. Sedegov, R.S. Optimization of the information and economic system of the enterprise / R.S. Sedegov, N.M. Orlova, Yu.I. Sidorov. - Moscow: Economics, 320 c.