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Abstract (English):
In the article approaches to formation by the industrial organizations of anti-recessionary programs in modern condition of develompnet are considered. The mechanism of srep-by-step reform is proposed, based on the implementation of a number of measures, which include reorganization, property restructuring and transformation of the organizational and economic mechanism. The article discusses the most important goals of anti-crisis programs, as well as takes into account the negative factors affecting the state of the Russian economy, as well as the main directions for restructuring the reorganization of industial organizations. The develpment of interal mecanisms to counteract the negative impact of crisis trends, as well as to rais the overall level of economic security of organizations in the real sector of the economy, is of great importance in the crisis. The effective method of solving this problem is to improve the internal structure through the introduction of financial responsibility centers, this helps not only to implement self-supporting relationships within the organization, but also to reorganize the structure of management and regulation of the results of economic processes.

anti-recessionary programs, reforming, reorganization, restructuring, economic and social goals, economic security
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