Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
GRNTI 06.39 Наука управления экономикой
GRNTI 06.51 Мировое хозяйство. Международные экономические отношения
GRNTI 06.35 Учетно-экономические науки
OKSO 38.05.01 Экономическая безопасность
OKSO 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)
BBK 65 Экономика. Экономические науки
TBK 77 Экономика. Бухгалтерский учет. Финансы
TBK 7717 Экономика предприятия (фирмы)
BISAC BUS000000 General
The article discusses the stability of the economy of the Russian Federation and its export-raw material dependence. A comparative analysis of the orientation of the economies of different countries has been carried out. Conclusions are drawn and effective policies in the sphere of the Russian economy are identified to maintain independence from other countries.
economic security, commodity economy, resource exports, innovative development
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2. Krokhicheva G.E., Shumilina V.E., the Statistical analysis of innovative activity of the enterprises of the Russian Federation for 2010-2016//the KANT Magazine - No. 3(28) - 2018. Access mode:
3. Shumilin P. E., Dorzheeva K. O. Economic security during innovative development of Russia//Modern problems of economic security, account and the right in the Russian Federation. Volume 3. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2019. Page 3-3. DOI: URL: (date of the address: 24.03.2019).
4. Chumakova O.V., Zibrova N.M. Dynamics of relationship of various fields of science in modern conditions. Sanctions as the catalyst of increase in economic security of Russia 2016//the Ekonomika I Sotsium Magazine - 2016. Access mode:
5. Putin V.V.,//the Performance at the enlarged meeting of the State Council with the message "We need new economy". Access mode: