Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article highlights modern scientific approaches to teaching foreign students speech activity on the material of the language of the specialty. Culturological, axiological, existential, hermeneutic, semiotic, synergetic, compe-tence approaches are analyzed. The article considers the need for consistent work with general scientific and specialized terminological vocabulary which expresses the basic concepts of the language of science in the system of the concept sphere. The possibilities of using methodological resources, the semantic potential of these scientific areas in the practice of teaching foreign students are substantiated.

specialty language, Russian as a foreign language, meaning for-mation, speech activity, cultural studies, hermeneutics, semiotics, axiology, exis-tentialism, synergetics, competence
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Modern Russian education is actively moving from information-cognitive to humanitarian personal-semantic pedagogy. The transition from the subject-object model of teaching to the subject-subject model, focused on the interests and personal experience of students, requires bringing the educational process to the personal-semantic level [1]. The reorientation of learning goals from informational to developmental ones, the transfer of content from a knowledge-alienated level to a personal-value one, the use of variable forms of education instead of authoritarian-unified ones leads to self-actualization of students, self-individualization of their activities.

Purpose of the study

The educational process is a specific semantic reality, a common field of interaction between various branches of science that study various aspects of the semantic formations of a person, therefore it is necessary to approach it comprehensively, to include the semantic sphere of students in it. In the methodology of teaching foreigners, the determining factor is the study of the influence of the semantic potential of sciences and scientific directions, with which “the study of a foreign language in its semantic aspect has common sides” [2], and the determination of the possibilities of using their resources. These are culturology (semantic interpersonal communication), axiology (students' value system), existentialism (values of individual consciousness), phenomenology (phenomena of individual consciousness), hermeneutics (interpretation of foreign language texts as cultural facts, comprehending their meanings), semiotics (processes of meaning formation as a result of coding information of the text), synergetics (expansion of the space of choice).

Materials and methods

Taking into account the integrative nature of the language of science as a part of culture, the reflection of the specific scientific experience of a person, as well as the multinational, multicultural nature of the contingent of foreign students, we note the important role of the culturological approach. It allows us to identify the characteristic national features of the development of sciences that underlie the future specialty of students [3], to determine the specific features of the cultural and educational environment of the student, the degree and nature of his cultural and general educational competence. In the methodological aspect, cultural studies make it possible to identify priority scientific problems characteristic of the countries from which students came, to adjust the topics of educational materials that allow to carry out intercultural interpersonal communication.

Axiological and existential approaches play a special role in the pedagogical process. The axiological approach to learning problems involves researching the basic values of national cultures and, in this context, the personal values of trainees, clarifying the hierarchy of personal priorities, motives and meanings that led trainees to choose their future profession. The existential approach is addressed to the personality of a particular student, his individual life priorities, personal meanings due to individual psychological characteristics.

The hermeneutic approach relates to two components of the educational process – to the subject of learning (student) and to the object of study (scientific texts, language of the specialty). The subject's hermeneutics investigates the interdependence of the processes of functioning of the subjective side of the student, his self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-realization and self-affirmation.

If the task of hermeneutics is an accurate understanding of the content (meanings) of the text, then semiotics deals with the problems of the most accurate reflection in the text of the facts of real life with the help of signs, i. e. iconic means.

A synergistic approach to teaching is an effective means of organizing the educational process in a multilingual international environment of foreign students with different levels of cultural, scientific-subject and linguistic training. Exploring the ways and patterns of self-organization of complex systems, synergetics offers a mechanism for the transition from chaos to order, from a disordered set of elements to a system.

The most important role in training is played by a competency-based approach. Professional training of a future specialist should be focused not only on the development of his knowledge, abilities, skills, but also on motivational ethical, social and behavioral components; that is, the concept of “competence” is broader than the concept of knowledge, ability, or skill, it includes them, but is not their sum [4].

The concept of “competence” and “competency” are key in the context of the competence-based approach, they are often used interchangeably, but recently researchers have separated these concepts. As noted by L.S. Lisitsina, competence is a measure of mastering competencies, and competencies are a means of describing the objects and types of activities of a specialist to be mastered in the process of his or her training [5].

A.V. Khutorskoy identifies the following key educational competencies: value-semantic, general cultural, educational-cognitive, informational, communicative, social and labor, the competence of personal self-improvement [6]. In our opinion, this classification of educational competencies allows us to concretize and highlight the set of competencies necessary for a specific contingent of students, depending on the goals and objectives of learning.

Results and discussion

Considering the language of science as a means of obtaining a specialty, we see it as a certain part of the linguistic means of the national language, reflecting an interconnected system of general scientific and terminological concepts and providing verbal educational and scientific professional-oriented communication. At the same time, presenting general scientific and terminological vocabulary, we are talking about the information-conceptual status of the term, since the information indicated in it is a mental form of reflection of some fragment of reality. The term expresses a special concept of a certain scientific conceptual sphere and thereby becomes a carrier of information in which professional and scientific knowledge expressed in linguistic form is recorded.

The experience of practical work on the development and formation of a scientific and conceptual base among students led us to the conclusion that the greatest semantic potential is possessed by work not with individual concepts as such, but with scientific concepts. In our opinion, consideration of basic general scientific and specialized concepts, for example, “life”, “organism”, “plants”, “animals”, “nutrition” and others in the structure of the concept, allows using peripheral associative-figurative, connotative representations to translate objective meanings words to the level of the semantic personal sphere of students [7].

When teaching foreigners the Russian language and, in particular, the language of the specialty, the fundamental competence is communicative, a specific set of necessary competencies of which is formed depending on the educational and professional orientation and the stage of training. From the side of the volume, communicative competence is usually considered as a set of independent competencies in four separate, relatively independent types of speech activity: competencies in speaking, writing, reading and listening. the mastery of which is necessary for students to realize their social and professionally oriented communicative needs [8].

In the context of teaching a language of a specialty in speaking, it is customary to distinguish such competencies as mastery of monologue and dialogue speech within the framework of the studied linguistic and scientific-subject material. Mastering the competencies of writing involves writing abstracts, reports on a given topic, etc. At the same time, speech should correspond to the communicative intentions of the speaker and writer, be logical, meaningful, correspond to linguistic, pragmatic and socio-cultural parameters. Of particular importance in teaching the language of a specialty is mastering the competencies of reading educational and scientific literature, texts in the specialty, the language content of which would correspond to the level of proficiency in speech skills, and the subject content would be understandable and based on already partly familiar material from scientific subject courses. In the aspect of listening, the necessary combined competencies are mastery of the skills and abilities of listening and taking lecture notes, understanding direct communication and recording of a monologue speech, based on the studied language material, as well as on the formed linguistic intuition, which provides contextual guess and prediction of speech deployment [9].

The allocation of three basic structural components: linguistic, subject and pragmatic competencies is important in practical work on the development of communicative competence. It is assumed that communicative competence develops as a result of their interaction.

Linguistic competence ensures the formation of trainees' ability to build grammatically correct and meaningful statements, “involves knowledge of units of all levels (phonetic, lexical, derivational, morphological, syntactic), but not exhaustively presented, but those that will be used as building material for generating / recognition of statements in the formation of the student's communicative competence in the volume, which is set by the goals of training” [10].

As D.I. Izarenkov rightly emphasizes [10], the repertoire of language units of the language - morphemes, lexemes, speech patterns, sentences, structural types of micro- and macrotexts is strictly correlated with the volume of the formed communicative competence and is selected on the basis of the subject component (spheres, topics, communication situations). Thus, subject competence is a meaningful, denotative expression plan. In the context of teaching foreign students the language of the specialty, the subject content should become informatively important scientific-subject textual material on the profile of the future specialty of students, limited by the topic, speech situation, etc. Considering the educational process from the standpoint of a humanitarian paradigm focused on the formation of meaning among students, it is important that scientific-subject information is not only objective, but also personally significant for students.

Pragmatic competence consists of the ability to use speech action adequately to the communicative goals and situations of speech communication, knowledge and correspondences between communicative intentions and speech patterns that implement them, etc.

Naturally, further specification of competencies, and most importantly, the level of proficiency in them, depends on the stage of training and the needs of educational and professional communication.

With a deductive conceptual presentation of a communicative professionally-oriented topic at the stage of an informational and familiarization module, the purpose of which is to create an indicative basis for learning, presentation of a general understanding and understanding of the topic in the course of an interpersonal general scientific discourse, a hermeneutic approach is used. At this stage, the main task of foreign students is the development of a scientific and subject conceptual base in Russian, however, the language means proposed for discussion are passively learned. It is obvious that the various contexts created in the course of the discussion contribute to the active meaning formation of the trainees. Therefore, considering hermeneutics as the doctrine of understanding the hidden meanings of texts, we consider it important to carry out hermeneutic comprehension of scientific texts through the analysis of the context. "Context, contextual reading should become an important mechanism of meaningful explanation in the activities of teachers and students." [11]. Undoubtedly, the use of this approach in the organization of educational material depends on the stage of mastering the language content.

At the stage following the informational and introductory, a semiotic approach is used. In the process of passing the operational module, students learn with what language means it is possible, for example, to describe a phenomenon, process, properties or functions, to give a definition or characterization of the studied subject. Foreign students master a set of lexical and grammatical constructions, analyze the semantic fields of basic general scientific concepts, perform lexical and grammatical tasks to master the skills of the correct use of the prepositional-case system of the Russian language, to choose words and phrases that are appropriate in meaning, etc. semantic features and the functional role of linguistic signs of various levels of the Russian and native language (intermediate language) of students, while developing the speech skills necessary for communication in the context of a semantic-speech situation, or a communicative professionally-oriented topic [12].

In the methodological aspect, a synergetic approach is manifested in the special organization of the educational material, in the selection of a wide range of tasks that allow the student to choose his own way of mastering the material. The system of tasks may include the following formulations: “combine words and phrases into groups according to a given criterion”, “restore the logical sequence of points in the plan”, “build a table”, “analyze and restore sentences, choosing the parts that are appropriate in meaning”, etc. [13]. It is obvious that the idea of ​​the formation of a system and its subsequent development out of chaos and disorder can be realized with a certain “free” style of pedagogical management, including such characteristics as openness, nonlinearity, actions based on internal motives, alternation of evolutionary and abrupt, explosive paths. In the context of meaning formation, an effective means of meaningful activity of trainees can be the creation of situations of acute semantic collision, situations of disequilibrium and uncertainty, borderline states, etc.

Long-term observations of the existential manifestations of foreign medical students indicate that the humanistic values, to which genuine existentialism is directed, are fully inherent in the semantic orientations of the life of the majority of students. Many of them chose the profession of a doctor, having experienced firsthand the pain for their relatives and friends who suffered during military conflicts, epidemics of diseases and did not receive timely qualified medical care. Relying on the personal experience of foreign students and creating an emotional and psychological lead in the process of interpersonal dialogue, the teacher has the opportunity to connect the meaningless theoretical scientific and subject content of training in the personal and semantic context, contributing to the formation of meaning [14], which means more effective mastering of speech activity by Russian language.


In our opinion, teachers of the language of the specialty should take into account the fact that the same content, including scientific, can be expressed by different texts, just as different content can have the same text form. Obviously, the semiotic approach is of paramount importance in teaching the language of science, as it directs the teacher to systematic and scrupulous work to develop the skills of the language design of the utterance.

It is obvious that cultural studies and axiology are interconnected by their appeal to the cultural values of a person, among which education and profession occupy one of the main places in the system of personal orientations of foreign students. The teacher's task is to determine how deeply social values have entered the system of individual personal values, how important these personal values-meanings are for the student, and to what extent they can maintain a high level of motivation for learning [15].

The hermeneutic approach is of great importance in the methodological aspect of teaching speech activity on the material of the language of the specialty. Information about the student's personality, the uniqueness of his views, beliefs, attitudes, motives, values, personal life meanings in the process of learning, cognitive activity, creativity allows the teacher to actively and effectively provide pedagogical support to students, contributing to the development of their semantic sphere.

The task of the educational process is also to maintain the openness of the educational activities of students, their existential intentions, to discover the true motives and causes of certain manifestations of students, to actively influence their semantic-educational process, to transfer actual universal values to the existential, personal level of each student.


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