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Abstract (English):
The conditions for the development of innovative activities of general education organizations are proposed on the basis of the Republic of Ingushetia. They include: 1) improving the efficiency of management of innovation activities of such organizations, 2) the development of creative activity of subjects of innovation in these organizations.The characteristics of these conditions are fulfilled. The distinctive features of the innovative management structure, the management functions of general education organizations are named. The mechanisms of these functions, planning, control system, expertise, monitoring are characterized. Methods and forms of such activities have been determined. The creative individuality of the teacher, his professional identity, development components, sources, mechanisms are described in detail.

Conditions, innovation activity, primary general education, the Republic of Ingushetia, management, creative activity, mechanisms, planning, expert observation, monitoring, methods, the creative form of the teacher's personality, professional identity, sources
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The conditions for the development of innovative activities of organizations of primary general education in the Republic of Ingushetia include: 1) increasing the efficiency of managing the innovative activities of such organizations, 2) developing the creative activity of subjects of innovation in these organizations. Let us characterize these conditions.

The first condition implies progressive changes in all components of the control system: its functions, organizational mechanisms and methods, relations between the control and controlled systems, etc. In this context, the idea of ​​value-semantic coordination of actions of control subjects (control and controlled systems) is productive. It is realized through 1) the value-based nature of management, which is based on the key universal values: creativity, activity, hard work; 2) the integrating nature of management, manifested in constructive relations between the subjects of innovation, 3) the motivating nature of management, which is based on material and moral incentives, 4) the implementation of tolerance in management, which consists in pluralism of opinions. The implementation of this idea meets the principles of co-creation, teamwork, project mode of operation of target groups, and management support.

At the same time, the managerial functions of organizations of primary general education include the exchange of information that ensures the coordination of actions of the subjects of the innovation process and the external environment. This requires the creation of electronic data banks in the areas of innovation activities of primary general education organizations, the development of an electronic document management system and high-quality exchange of information between educational organizations and other subjects of the national-regional educational environment.

The development of horizontal and vertical communication ties through a common information system at the intraschool and municipal levels of management will help improve the quality of management analysis, the analytical basis for organizing innovation in primary general education.

Planning is based on the target program method. On its basis, a comprehensive analysis of the state and trends of innovation activities of primary general education organizations is carried out, its modeling, programming, forecasting, algorithmization, determination of the necessary innovative resources, selection of methods and means.

The mechanism for ensuring the implementation of these functions should be the Program for the Development of Innovative Activities of Primary General Education Organizations [1] - a document that accumulates the goal, objectives, trends, directions of innovative transformations of the system, and their predicted results.

An effective control system meets the requirements of 1) developing criteria and indicators, 2) focusing on results, 3) their availability, objectivity, specificity, ethnicity. The control function in the system of primary general education is traditionally implemented through inspection, within the framework of which the problem of preventing deviations of the results of the educational organization from the established norms is solved, regulation.

In contrast to the traditional inspection activities at the regional and municipal levels, burdened by the lack of general requirements and approaches to its implementation, innovative activities in the primary general education system develops new progressive assessment and control mechanisms. This ensures the reliability, objectivity and transparency of the assessment procedures.

Expertise plays a significant role in the management of innovative activities of educational institutions of primary general education - expert conclusions based on close methodological ideas about the essence of such activities, making an assessment of its level. The goal-setting of the examination of the innovative activity of primary general education organizations is manifested in the identification and assessment of the level of their innovative activity, the determination of its potential capabilities.

Openness and collegiality in the implementation of inspections of innovative activities and discussion of its results make it possible to objectively evaluate it in relation to a specific educational organization: to get acquainted with advanced experience, to see its achievements, to identify problems. If they are available, the functions of the district methodological service include providing assistance to teachers and schools. However, giving the results of the examination of the innovative activity of an educational organization to the public, it is necessary to observe the guarantees of confidentiality of information obtained in the course of diagnostics. This requires the correct wording of the expertise.

The products of the expertise of the innovative activity of the organization of primary general education can be: innovative portfolios of the school, methodological recommendations, plans and programs, motivation of teachers to develop and implement innovations in the educational process. Expertise imparts to management activity the specificity of collective, research, state-public activity, reflection.

Monitoring is one of the elements of expertise. It aims to test the quantitative and qualitative indicators of innovation. Moreover, in the process of monitoring, the dynamics of innovative activities of organizations of primary general education is studied. Such dynamics can be positive (there is a tendency to increase the creativity and creative activity of subjects of educational activity), inert (there are no positive characteristics of the dynamics of innovation activity), stable (there are stable indicators of innovation activity).

In the process of monitoring empirical methods are used: survey (questionnaire, interview, conversation), testing, psychological and pedagogical observation, etc.

Organizational forms of innovation management in an elementary general school include a meeting, a management seminar, a management living room (presentation of the achievements of the management team of a specific educational organization, exchange of ideas and findings), a district expert council, district methodological associations of teachers, etc.

We believe that the introduction of innovations taking into account these methods and forms will lead to the creation of innovation-oriented organizational structures: creative and research groups, associations of educators-innovators, organizational committees for the development and implementation of innovations.

Returning to the conditions for the development of innovative activities of organizations of primary general education in the Republic of Ingushetia, let us dwell on the second condition highlighted above: the development of the creative activity of the subjects of innovation in these organizations. Such activity presupposes the development of the teacher's creative individuality, i.e. building a self-improvement program for them, defining individual paths for their professional growth. A creative teacher not only realizes himself, but qualitatively transforms himself, rethinks his professional expectations, looks for opportunities for the development of professionally significant qualities, develops a personal pedagogical concept.

The creative individuality of the teacher has been exhaustively studied by F.N. Gonobolin, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, A.A. Kan-Kalikom, V.I. Kolesnikova, V.V. Kraevsky, Yu.L. Lvova, N.E. Mazhar, N. D. Nikandrov, I.P. Podlasym, M.M. Potashnikov, I.P. Rachenko, V.D. Semenov, V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Shcherbakov and others. From the scientific publications of these authors it follows that the development of creative individuality in innovative activities is ensured by stable professional interests, a system of professional and personal self-education, the need to harmonize oneself, personal and professional reflection.

The formation of the teacher's creative individuality is carried out in the system of pre-university, university professional training, independent practical activity. An important factor in this matter is pedagogical self-awareness. Its functions according to V.A. Slastenin include reflective-regulating, constituting, constructing [2]. The first consists in the subjective imprinting of professionally significant methods and standards of activity, the development, on this basis, of our own indicative and regulatory system of actions. The constitutive function is the development of personal criteria and norms of professional activity. The design function takes the ability to design and implement innovative activities outside the framework of normative activities.

At the same time, VA Slastenin distinguishes several types of self-awareness: operational, communicative, intraindividual [Ibid]. The first type is characterized by an orientation towards the awareness of professional competencies, methodological and technological preparedness. The communicative type is determined by the importance of solving problems and difficulties of a relational nature: solving conflict situations, problems of mutual understanding and establishing positive contact. For teachers of the intraindividual type, localization of the main difficulties in professional activity is characteristic, the qualification of most professional difficulties as derivatives of personal, individual problems.

Professional self-awareness is determined by the content and structure of human activity, acquires its properties and characteristics: structuredness - amorphousness, staticity - dynamism, uniformity - diversity. Human self-awareness is determined by activity. In this regard, for the dynamism and flexibility of the teacher's creative self-awareness, it is important to have two components: 1) the inclusion of active communication, creativity in the sphere of life, 2) the implementation of their own innovative ideas. At the same time, the development of the teacher's creative individuality is viewed as a process of integrating external professional training and internal, personal formation of a person.

The components of the development of the teacher's creative individuality in innovative activities according to A.I. Bondarevskaya [3] are: value-motivational, cognitive-content, constructive-practical, emotional-volitional, reflective. The criteria for the teacher's creative individuality are: 1) self-organization of qualitative changes in personality and activity, 2) self-renewal, changing the way of work, 3) setting and solving pedagogical, psychological, subject tasks in relation to oneself and one's activity, 4) perception of external social manifestations as prerequisites for their development.

The mechanisms of the teacher's creative individuality include: actualization, self-determination, implementation, activity, regulation, construction, identification, assessment, education [5].

The source of the development of the teacher's creative individuality is the contradiction between the expectations of the social environment and the level of professional and personal development. The internal conditions for the successful development of the creative individuality of the teacher in innovative education are: the teacher's readiness for innovative activities, competence, pedagogical skills. External conditions are divided into normative and regulatory, prospective-target, need-stimulating, communicative and informational.

To implement the above conditions for the development of the creative individuality of the teacher in innovative education, full-scale work of the administration of the educational organization is necessary to create a developing environment in it, involve teachers in innovative activities, turn methodological work into scientific and methodological, activate intrapersonal factors of professional growth and maximize creative potential teacher.


1. Order of June 30, 2012 No. 433-r "Strategy for innovative development of the Republic of Ingushetia until 2025".

2. Slastenin V.A. Creative style of pedagogical activity // Personal development as a strategy for the humanization of education. Stavropol, 2002, p. 45.

3. Bondarevskaya E.V. Humanistic paradigm of personality-oriented education // Pedagogy, 1997. No. 4. P. 14.

4. Tseloeva D.M., Gudieva Leila H.-U., Lezina V.V. Innovation policy in institutions of secondary general education of the North Caucasus Federal District: monograph. Pyatigorsk, 2015, 138 p.

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