Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses an approach to organizing the identification and monitoring of risks in the context of the digitalization of the economy, disclos-es the concepts of "digitalization" and "digital economy". As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the digitalization of the economy, on the one hand, increases the efficiency of production and sales of products, contributes to its constant updating and quality improvement, and on the other hand, violates the stability and sustainability of the business, generates new risks, transforms existing global chains. creating value, is leading to a reformatting of relations between developed and developing countries. Overcoming these contradictions requires the development of innovative approaches to business processes, the search for new forms of international economic cooperation between developed and developing countries.

information economy, information society, information resource, information space, digitalization, digital economy, the concept of identifying risks
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The current stage of world economic and social development is characterized by a significant impact of digitalization. As a new direction of global social development, which replaced informatization and computerization, it is characterized by the fact that it is based on the digital presentation of information, which, on the scale of economic and social life, both in an individual country and throughout the world, leads to an increase in the efficiency of the economy and improving the quality of life.

Purpose of the study – to identify groups of risks caused by the emergence of challenges to the digitalization trend; possible threats caused by these challenges, negative consequences, difficulties of transition to digital technologies, problems and practical application of technologies.

Materials and methods

Currently, the term "digitalization" is used in a narrow and broad sense. Digitalization in the narrow sense means the transformation of information into a digital format, which most often leads to lower costs, the emergence of new opportunities, etc. Digitization in a broad sense means that a large number of specific conversions of information into digital form lead to significant positive consequences.

The modern understanding and analysis of this term are presented in the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society of the Russian Federation for 2017-2030 [1], where the concept is considered as an economic activity in which the key production factor is digital data processing large volumes and using the results of analysis in comparison with traditional forms of management, which can significantly increase the efficiency of various types of production, technologies, equipment, storage, sale, supply of goods and services. Ecosystem of the digital economy - the partnership of organizations is ensured by the constant interaction of their technological platforms, applied Internet services, analytical systems, information systems of public authorities, organizations and citizens. 

Digital technologies are changing the very operating model of companies, especially in the banking and telecommunications sectors, increasing economic efficiency and revealing new market opportunities. Methods for analyzing large amounts of data are actively used to obtain new information and make effective and optimal management decisions. This phenomenon is called the "digital economy".

As the digital economy develops, it is changing traditional ideas about how business works, about collaboration between different companies, about the services, information and products that consumers can get. Numerous examples from the business practice of companies from different countries allow us to conclude that the digitalization of the economy is transforming the usual model of globalization.

For the Russian economy, the digitalization trend is associated with serious threats, since the issues of the formation of the digital economy become for Russia issues of its national security and competitiveness in the world market (external threats), as well as issues of the level and quality of life of the Russian population (internal threats).

The lag of Russia in the pace and scale of digitalization from developed countries can lead to the fact that it will remain on the sidelines of scientific and technological progress. This is fraught with the following threats: its role in the world economy will be catching up; ensuring Russia's national security will be called into question; it will be deprived of the prospects for innovative development, which will significantly reduce the competitiveness of both individual domestic companies and the entire Russian economy in the world market.

Any challenges and threats associated with the manifestation of a certain trend in the economy, politics, demography, social life can manifest themselves in a combination of possible problems and negative results. Each of these undesirable outcomes can be represented as a risk, described by the parameters "size of a possible negative outcome" and "probability of a negative outcome".

The problem of the formation and development of the digital economy is relevant not only in theory, but also in practice, including at the state level, in connection with the understanding of the decisive role of digital technologies in the development of the country's strategic competitiveness.

The description of negative results in terms of risk parameters makes it possible to identify threats and concretize their consequences caused by external and internal manifestations of digitalization challenges for Russia, as well as develop appropriate risk management programs aimed at reducing possible losses from digitalization.

The difficulties and problems of Russia's transition to the digital economy can also be described in terms of risks - to describe each of them, two parameters must be used - the amount of possible damage and the likelihood of its occurrence corresponding to the respective problem.

Despite the bright prospects, the digital economy brings with it obvious challenges and threats. Significant possible negative consequences of digitalization for the Russian economy and society include:

reduction in the total number of jobs in the country;

the transition to new trends in the development of the economy has always been accompanied by a reduction in the number of employees, which has always actualized the retraining of personnel and leaves this problem acute at the moment;

the emergence of unscrupulous users of new services, the emergence of which is due to digitalization;

digital fraud;

piracy and distribution of malicious content.

The practical application of digital technologies can lead to new risks:

— risks of imperfection, unpreparedness of the regulatory framework that accompanies and ensures the progress of digitalization processes;

— risks of misuse of technologies and new opportunities associated with digitalization, the use of someone else's information and other people's resources;

— associated risks, the occurrence of which is due to changes based on the digitalization of existing technologies, as well as the improvement of existing and the creation of new business models.

The impact of digitalization determines the groups of risks caused by the presence or emergence of challenges of the digitalization trend, possible threats caused by these challenges, negative consequences, difficulties of transition to digital technologies, problems and practical application of technologies, etc.

It is obvious that it will take time for a deep scientific substantiation, as well as successful practical implementation of the main provisions of the new economic concept. The economy is on the eve of a digital revolution, which will lead to radical changes in labor productivity in developed countries and, as a result, to higher growth rates of national and global gross domestic product (GDP). Digital technologies should become the main factor of the new technological breakthrough, which will allow connecting all stages of production from development to marketing of products, optimizing design and production technologies, and ensuring constant product updates and high quality.

Scientific advances in digital technologies are directly related to organizational innovations aimed at improving business efficiency by optimizing the organization's management process, for example, reducing administrative costs, transaction costs, and increasing labor productivity.

For their effective functioning in this area, it is necessary to develop cloud applications; new business models and innovations in trade and services; new digital security technologies in the implementation of digital business transactions; norms, standards and special programs that integrate traditional technologies with information and communication technologies (ICT) through user-friendly interfaces.

In this regard, the training of specialists in this area of knowledge is necessary and relevant, since the new jobs created in the digital economy require high standards. These standards must be followed by qualified personnel with specific skills.

Results and discussion

As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the digitalization of the economy, on the one hand, increases the efficiency of production and sales of products, contributes to its constant updating and quality improvement, and on the other hand, violates the stability and sustainability of the business, generates new risks, transforms existing global chains. creating value, is leading to a reformatting of relations between developed and developing countries. Overcoming these contradictions requires the development of innovative approaches to business processes, the search for new forms of international economic cooperation between developed and developing countries.

Conclusion, Recommendations

To reduce all groups of identified risks, it is necessary to develop programs for their management. The implementation of these programs, together with other digitalization management programs at all levels of economic and social life, will make it possible to take advantage of digitalization and bring the national economy and social sphere of the country to the proper effective level.


1. On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 203

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