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Abstract (English):
The article presents a project of digitalization and unification for the leasing company business prosses. describes the current state of the business process (As Is), proposes a new business process (To Be), unified in all branches of the company. According to the project goals company plans to reduce costs, improve business processes management and to implement the information system for the vehicle leasing

business-process, vehicle leasing, digitalization, unification, information technology
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In recent years, the role of information technology in business has grown significantly. Information technology simplifies work and can be applied in almost all areas of the company. However, not all companies use information technology at all stages of production. Therefore, the problem of business-prosses digitalization is acute in many Russian companies.

The Russian leasing company has more than 30 branches in various regions of Russia. At the present time not all business processes in company are unified. The business process of vehicle leasing is different in different branches. In this regard, there are a lot of difficulties in interaction within the company. Also, in such circumstances company has no ability to digitize the prosses. To solve these problems, the company has developed a project for the unification and digitalization of business processes of vehicle leasing. As a result of the project the company plans to reduce costs, improve business processes management and to implement the information system for the vehicle leasing.

At first, Business canvas was built to better understand the company’s business (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Business canvas

According to the Business canvas analysis Key partners of the company are Insurance company, Bank, Vehicle supplier and Car service. Key Activities of the company are Vehicle leasing and Sale of used vehicle. Key resources are Car park and branches. The value of the services provided lies in a wide selection of cars and vehicles, as well as in a wide network of branches, which allows to work with customers from different regions. The company carries out direct B2B and B2C sales. The clients of the company can be both organizations and individuals.

Information about the business process of providing vehicle for leasing was collected from different brunches and analyzed. A model “AS IS” shows a generalized business process of vehicle leasing (figure 2).

Figure 2 Business-process AS IS

This business process involves a sales manager, a finance department, and a regional director. Sales managers contact customer and discuss details of leasing. Customer chooses a vehicle and the term of the agreement. Financial department calculates tariffs manually. Then sales managers make a leasing offer to customer. After that if customer agree with this offer sales manager manually prepare documents for a leasing. Regional directors approve documents. Customer sign leasing agreement and receive a vehicle.

The main disadvantage of this business process is the manual re-calculation of tariffs if the client is not satisfied with the terms of the contract. Also, it is necessary to have a financial department in every branch. To solve this problem of a model “To Be” of the business-process was built (figure 3).

Figure 3 Business process TO BE

In the model of business process TO BE, after the customer has selected a vehicle, the data is sent to the head office, where the system automatically calculates all possible offers for this customer. Then the customer chooses one of the available offers. In a new business process, we need not calculate tariffs several time for one customer, also to have finance department in every branch anymore. The implement of the information system for the automatically calculation of tariffs allows company to plan a next step of digitalization – to organize sales with internet site.

To better understand the goals of the regional director, a motivational model was built. It is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Motivation model

Based on the motivational model, the key goals for the regional director are:

1) Unify business-process.

2) Unified business process implementation.

3) BPM system implementation.

To realize these goals of the company, it was proposed to implement the project “Unification of business process Providing vehicle for leasing in a leasing company.” Table 1 presents the basic data from the project charter.

Table 1 Project charter

Unification of business process “Providing vehicle for leasing in a leasing company”

Defining business driver: improve business processes management, reduced costs

Project starts:01.06.2021

Project ends: 22.03.22


  1. Improving the manageability of the company.
  2. Reduction of labor costs.

The following indicators will improve:

  1. The manageability of the company will improve.
  2. Reduced labor costs

Description of the problem: The business process of providing vehicle for leasing in different branches is different. Project task: Analyze, build an business process AS IS, build a business process TO BE, develop the necessary regulations and purchase the necessary software. Implement regulations and software.

To implement the project, it is necessary to choose a methodology. Some of them are more modern, while others, on the contrary, are conservative. But there is no one best methodology for all projects. The methodology should be chosen depending on the tasks, terms, and budget of the project. The correct choice of methodology can save the company finances, as well as shorten the project implementation terms. The following options were considered for this project: waterfall model, scrum, and Kanban. Their comparison is presented in table 2.

Table 2 Methodologies





Predictability in terms and costs

The terms and costs of the project can be calculated accurately before its start

It is difficult to predict costs and terms

It is difficult to predict costs and terms

Requirements for clarity of project objectives

Project objectives must be clearly defined before starting

During the project, you can change the requirements for the result

During the project, you can change the requirements for the result

The cost of making changes to the project




How difficult is it to make changes to the project?

It is possible to make changes only after the end of the project

At the beginning of each Sprint

At any time, you can add a new task to the backlog

Possibility to show the customer results of the work

At the end of the project

At the end of each Sprint

At any time

The project must be completed on a tight schedule. This is an internal project, so there is not necessary to show results of the work to the customer at each stage of the project. The objectives of the project are clearly defined, so there is no need to make changes to the project. For this project, it is better to use a waterfall methodology. A project plan was also developed, it is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Project plan

The project consists of 6 major stages. Research, planning, software purchase, testing, implementation, and support. Each of the stages is divided into small sub-tasks.

The Business Process Unification project can help to improve the manageability of the company, and allow company reduce costs, and it’s also simplify the collection of data for analytics in the company.


1. Trofimov V.V., Trofimova E.V. i dr. Informacionnye tehnologii v ekonomike i upravlenii / pod red. prof. Trofimova V.V. -3-e izd., pererab. i dop. -M.: Izdatel'stvo Yurayt, 2019. -482 s.

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