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Abstract (English):
The publication focuses on the renewal of educational technologies and the content of university education. Today, a higher technical school is fo-cused on a systemic vision of the model of a future specialist as a combination of personal and professional qualities. At the same time, most of the study time of students is devoted to qualification and professional, educational and research, creative activities with a predominance of independent work and social technol-ogies. Such changes in the goals and technology of the educational space of the university make it possible to prepare (about 30%) creative-minded graduates of the Institute of Light Industry as part of KNRTU.

higher education, integrated disciplines, personality-oriented ap-proach, technology, creativity, quasi-professional activity, competitive graduate
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The socio-economic transformations being carried out today in Russia are aimed at ensuring sustainable development of the country, but they will not bring results if they are not consolidated by changes in the higher technical school. In this regard, the main goal of higher education is not the transfer of subject-organized knowledge, but the ability to find ways to replenish knowledge. At the same time, such teaching methods are actualized as heuristic, research, constructive, contributing to the development of an active creative personality of the student in accordance with its needs and interests [1,2].

Sociometric studies of the teaching staff of the Institute of Materials and Technologies of Light Industry indicate that students are actively involved in active teaching methods with great interest. The majority of students (72.3%), as shown by the results of the study, rather highly assess their capabilities and abilities, however, 28.7% do not pay due attention to continuous self-development as one of the factors of competitiveness, and about 8% have not decided at all in their plans for future.

The activity approach, as one of the main practiced teaching methods at the university, stimulates the activity of students and allows students to master the content of academic disciplines in the context of their future professional activities, which, in turn, eliminates the contradiction between the student's educational activity and the future professional activity of the graduate. The recommended topics of practical classes involve interdisciplinary connections and problems at the intersection of sciences, broadens the horizons of students in the field of national and world culture, and it is proposed to carry out certain topics of laboratory (practical) work in the form of mini-projects [3-5].

The fundamental principles of such activities are continuity (all stages of training are covered), a variety of forms and methods (game situations, situational tasks, role-playing games, practical exercises with a focus on society, quasi-professional activities), depending on the specifics of the classes, ensuring the rhythm of classes with continuous monitoring with the side of teachers [4].

Moral, ethical and humanitarian components in the content of special (technical) disciplines of future constructs, technologists, designers in the field of light industry are updated in fundamentally new integrated courses developed at the profiling departments, for example, such as "Design and technology in the fashion industry." The content of the proposed discipline forms a holistic view of the world, teaches you to evaluate your identity, preserve and develop national culture, stimulates the need for constant self-education. The methods inherent in the humanities, based on figurative and critical thinking, imagination, fantasy, expand the heuristic capabilities of students and serve as the basis for effective work in the field of course design and final qualifying work of a bachelor [6,7].

In conditions when the world ceases to recognize a person, and a person ceases to recognize the world, designing a costume based on folk traditions, mixing elements from different eras and cultures serves as an incentive for the emergence of exclusive models in the fashion world. An example of such an approach in teaching is the developed model of a woman's costume, which is made in the original Russian style using the ornament of decorative and applied art - "Gzhel". A model of a suit with hand-embroidered "Gzhel" style on the collar, on the bottom of the dress and on accessories with a characteristic pattern and color. composition (blue, white and blue shades) is shown in fig. 1, 2. The performed embroidery is distinguished by the degradation effect (transition from a rich blue tone through light blue to white), which sets off the patterns. The blue color symbolizes greatness, loyalty, constancy. Blue is the color of peace, and white is a symbol of innocence and purity.


Fig. 1. Model of a dress-coat with trim in the style of Gzhel


The peculiarity of embroidery is its balance in color; in general, the picture turns out not to be monochromatic, but bright and lively. The model is completed with a muff, a belt with similar embroidery and a headpiece. A well-designed ensemble gives the effect of elegance and femininity to the image, sets you up for a positive. As a rule, more than 30% of the graduate qualification works of bachelors of the institute are distinguished by a non-standard, creative solution to the topic being developed, originality and compliance with the current consumer request.





Fig. 2. Accessories of the code (a - detail of collar and bottom trim; b - muff trim)


According to the results of the study, it can be stated that:

- in the modern teaching model, personality-oriented learning technologies, humanization and humanization of natural science and special disciplines, in particular, for graduates of the light industry are becoming especially relevant;

 - the content and forms of classes implemented in integrated courses allow giving the educational process an independent, more creative character;

 - to carry out the educational process in variable ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the personality;

- there is a constant increase in knowledge and the formation of aesthetic and moral qualities of the future specialist.


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