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Abstract (English):
This article provides an astronomical analysis of the philosophical points of view of the Russian scientist A.F. Losev, American scientist, Henry M. Shepard, Russian scientist Yu.S. Offense and Greek philosophers about the place and time of the appearance of the orgastic cult of Dionysus of Thebes, the son of Zeus and Semele, characterizing the system of patriarchy against the background of the former social relations of matriarchy. The parallels in the Rig Veda and the Avesta are shown. The author's position on the astronomical reasons for the change in mythological and religious concepts is given.

Indo-Europeans, Mother of the World, Serpent, Dragon, sun gods, serpent fighters, heroes, thunders, Zeus, Indra, Zagreus, Dionysus
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The creation of this article was based on familiarization with a number of works by Henry M. Shepard, an American scientist from Philadelphia, a graduate of the University of Copenhagen, who for many years has been studying the issue of the causes and place of origin of the cult of Dionysus, its educational functions and immortality. In his articles, H.M. Shepard covers a wide semantic field of research of ancient Greek and modern philosophers.

In the article "Is Dionysus a Greek God? Purcari roots"[20] Henry Shepard notes that on the territory of Greece, even in the pre-Greek period, Achaean inscriptions indicate that the Achaeans knew a god with that name. Greece knew several Dionysos. Non divided them into three: 1) Dionysus, the son of Persephone, and called the first Dionysus or Zagreus, 2) the son of Zeus and Semele (the goddess of the vine) from Theban myths or the later Dionysus, 3) Dionysus-Iacchus, the son of Theban Dionysus and the aura. The first, according to A.F. Losev goes far beyond the borders of Greece [11, p. 145]. Today, there are five hypotheses for the origin of Dionysus and his cult: Thracian-Phrygian (Euripides, Apollodorus, Strabo, Cicero, K. Müller, L. Preller, Fr. Welker, E. Rode, R. Taylor-Perry, L. Fernell and others.), Aegean (O. Group, K. Kerenyi, M. Nilsson, B. Otto, Viach. I. Ivanov), Middle Eastern (V. Burkert, R. Taylor-Perry, M. Estour, I. Dyakonov, V. Yaylenko), Egyptian (Herodotus, Plutarch), indian (Quintus Curtius Rufus, Diodorus of Siculus, Hesychius, Hyginus) [20].

Henry Shepard refers to modern research by Yu.S. Obidina "Dionysus serves the mysteries older than himself" [14]. Tracing the evolution of ideas about death and the afterlife in the archaic and classical eras, signs of the transformation of a complex of moral values ​​and a cardinal transformation of a person at the end of the Eneolithic era with: 1) the emergence of Indo-Europeans, 2) the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy, 3) the origin of the cult of personal immortality, are found, the form of which, in contrast to this worldview in the Paleolithic, became the orgaistic cult of immortality with the features of the future Dionysus, which V.I. Ivanov called "Pro-Dionysism", and it happened in the territories of the formation of the Indo-Europeans [20].

In addition to the dedicated H.M. Shepard and Yu.S. Obidina problems, the author of this article considers it necessary to conduct an epistemological and astronomical study of the causes of their occurrence. What could have happened in the territories of the formation of the community of Indo-Europeans at the end of the Eneolithic and what could have so evolutionarily influenced the minds of people of that time, as a result of which there was a departure from the former gods of matriarchy to a new patriarchal orgaistic cult of the immortal Dionysus?


Formation of figurative thinking.

The ability to think appeared in Nomosapiens, a Homo sapiens at the next stage of evolution, which prepared the human brain to create abstract forms of thinking. A person constantly observed nature and the sky above his head and pondered, in much the same way as we are now watching TV, reading books, thinking, looking for answers to our questions on the Internet. And, as an inquisitive thinking creature, Nomo sapiens had a need to understand how and what happens, to draw conclusions - this is an inherent property of an intelligent being. Even if a person was engaged in physical labor, all the same, new information was deposited in his subconscious, waiting for an opportunity to be explained. Paying attention to the sky, a person experienced an "intellectual shock", discovering the celestial centers of rotation: the Pole of the Ecliptic - next to the "head" of the constellation Dragon and the Pole of the World, which sometimes manifested itself as the Pole Star. This is not exactly the shock that K.G. Jung, when he spoke about the emergence of human consciousness as a result of some kind of catastrophe [21, p. 85]. Disasters have happened to animals, but only a person has the ability to be aware of what is happening and to search for ways to abstractly express information about what is happening. At the next evolutionary stage, the human brain turned out to be ready to discover the properties of abstract thinking.

When ancient people created mythical images, they put in them the structure of real laws and forms of the movement of the sky, only they explained these phenomena not yet in our modern scientific astronomical language, but by images, into the behavior of which the structure of the corresponding concrete celestial phenomenon was embedded. Therefore, ancient archetypes have a clear astronomical structure, recognizable even after millennia. This can be traced to myths and legends that preserve traces of thousands of years of knowledge, even if the source of this knowledge is forgotten. Fairy tales were passed on orally, every evening to children before going to bed. Looking at the night sky, the storyteller showed the habitat in the sky of a certain image. And this oral knowledge is infinite as long as their carriers are alive. Of course, the priests were most concerned with this when the division of labor took place. The priests, on the other hand, created figurative forms of the perceived, as our scientists now clothe the phenomena of nature in laws. Astronomical scientific knowledge took shape much later, but it owes its basis to the knowledge that was tracked down thousands of years earlier by ancient people in the form of precise astronomical structures in the images of gods and heroes.

Tracking the lunar cycles in Eurasia has been carried out for a very long time, as we are told by archaeological finds on mammoth bones or stones, with holes in a certain calendar sequence, for example, at the Achinsk site in Siberia, created 18 thousand years ago [1]. If the cycle of the Moon's revolution was known, it means that the center around which this movement took place along the Ecliptic was known, i.e. Pole of the Ecliptic next to the "head" of the constellation Draco. Since ancient times, the lunar cycle has belonged to the fertile cult of the Mother of the World, which is responsible for the dual real life cycles of birth and death, similar to how the rising and setting of the moon and planets relative to the horizon were observed as they moved along the Ecliptic.


Formation of matriarchy

For the first time a figurine, emphatically feminine, dating back about 230 thousand years ago, was discovered in the Golan Heights near Lake Ram in Israel [15].

Later, on the territory of Eurasia, we meet with the divine cosmic images of the Mother of the World in the form of small plastic on the Russian Plain in Kostenki near Voronezh, 45-30 thousand years ago. One of those buried at the Kostenskov site-14, dated 37 thousand years ago, had a mitochondrial haplogroup U2 (now this haplogroup is distributed mainly in Northern India and the Kama region) and a Y-chromosomal haplogroup C1 [9]. Haplogroup C1 is the oldest haplogroup of the peoples of Asia, who were the first to leave Africa [4].

Also, Paleolithic Venus on the territory of Eurasia were discovered in Germany about 40 thousand years ago, in Moravia about 31-27 thousand years ago, in Austria about 30-27 thousand years ago; in France about 26-24 thousand years ago, in Belgium about 26 thousand years ago, in the Czech Republic about 25 thousand years ago, in Italy about 25-20 thousand years ago, in Russia at the Siberian site of Malta in Irkutsk Oblast about 26-24 thousand years ago, in Russia in Bryansk Oblast (Khotylevo 2) about 23 thousand years ago, in Slovakia about 23-22 thousand years ago, in Russia at the Siberian site of Bureti about 23-22 thousand years ago, in Switzerland 13-12 thousand years ago , in Chatal Huyuk in Turkey 10-7.5 thousand years ago, in China 8-7 thousand years ago, in the Vinca culture in Serbia 8-7 thousand years ago, in Ukraine in Timkovo 7 thousand years ago, on the island of Malta in The Mediterranean Sea 6.5-5.5 thousand years ago, in Romania 7 thousand years ago, in Ukraine in Tripoli 7-5 thousand years ago, in Hungary 7 thousand years ago, in Romania near the village of Cucuteni 6.5 thousand years ago, in Bulgaria 6-5 thousand years ago, in Egypt about 6.5-5.5 thousand years ago, in Pakistan 5-4 thousand years ago, in Turkmenistan 5 thousand years ago, in Uzbekistan 4.5 thousand years ago, in Japan 4.5 thousand years ago [15].

Observations of the sky centered at the Pole of the Ecliptic in the image of the Mother of the World contributed to the predominance of matriarchy in the ancient system of social relations. The path of the Moon and the planets deviates by a different number of degrees in either direction from the exact position of the Ecliptic line, so the Pole of the Ecliptic was not represented as a point in the sky, but as a certain area near the "head" of the constellation Draco. The name of the constellation has been known in Greek tradition since the 2nd century BC, but only in the Greek tradition?

The image of the Serpent and the Dragon, as one of the central divine symbols, is now widely known in Eurasia, as well as among the Maya Indians in North America, and most likely belongs to the Proto-Indo-European tradition. Images of Snakes and Birds in the form of small plastic were found at an ancient Siberian site, in the Malta burial. A boy from Malta lived, according to calibrated radiocarbon data, about 24 thousand years ago. Research has shown him to be similar to Europeans and American Indians. So, the Y-chromosome haplogroup R-M207 * of the boy MA-1 suggests that his line separated from the trunk of a tree leading, among other things, to modern Europeans, at its very base, and the mitochondrial haplogroup U resembles that of extinct hunters and collectors of the Paleolithic, who inhabited Europe at that time. The nuclear genome of MA-1 is similar to the autosomal genetic signatures of the Afontova Gora-2 sample with Y-chromosomal haplogroup Q1-F903 (17 thousand years ago) from Afontova Gora in Krasnoyarsk. It coincides by 37% with the DNA of South Asians, 34% - with the DNA of Europeans, 26% - with the DNA of the Indians, 4% -  with the DNA of the inhabitants of Oceania. Samples MA-1, AG-2, and AG-3 from the Baikal region had a common origin and were grouped in the Mal'ta Cluster [12]. The first of the ancestors of the American Indians about 25-20 thousand years ago could cross the Bering Bridge to the American continent and then several times the Altai tribes migrated in waves along the Bering Bridge until it collapsed about 12 thousand years ago [7].

Cosmic symbols are tenacious, because they were observed daily by ancient people in the sky. The divine images of the Serpent and the Bird, as Proto-Indo-European symbols among the Altai tribes, were also preserved among the American Indians. They portrayed their sun god Quetzalcoatl as a Bird holding a Serpent in its beak (Fig. 1)

Индейские символы-72          Индейские символы-73

Fig. 1. Indian symbols of the Snake and Quetzalcoatl [2, p. 96, 97].


The Chinese also have similar images of the Serpent-Dragon (Fig. 2), whose nation was formed from numerous tribes, including the Altai ones [16].

Три дркончика (Кауров)

Fig. 2. Chinese symbols of Dragons [8, p. 24].


The bends of the Indian Serpents and the Chinese Dragons are directed in the same direction - as they are located in the starry sky in the constellation of the Dragon. Above the "head" of the constellation Draco is the star Vega, alpha of the constellation Lyra, one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere of the sky, which was near the Pole of the World 14 thousand years ago. these were images of the Pole Star Vega, alpha Lyra, next to the "head" of the constellation Draco. The constellation Lyra up to the 17th century was drawn by the Eagle holding Lyra (Fig. 3). Together with the migrating people, these images steadily passed into the cultural traditions of kindred peoples. In particular, one of the images of Zeus was the Eagle.

Fig. 3. Image of the constellation Lyra on the map of Jan Hevelius. [10]

The emergence of elements of patriarchy

It is known from astronomy that, as a result of the solar-lunar Precession, the Earth's axis of rotation, pointing to the Pole of the World, describes circular motions like the rotation of a whirligig around the Pole of the Ecliptic for 26 thousand years, and, sometimes, falls on the stars, which at such a moment become stationary, the so-called Pole Stars. What does it mean to suddenly see a fixed star against the background of the rest of the rotating, already familiar, sky? A stationary star looks perfect compared to other moving stars. The visible center of rotation of the sky made it possible to refine calendar calculations, combined solar-lunar calendars appeared, radiant-associative thinking developed, geometric signs appeared that characterize the structure of an astronomical phenomenon. In the northern sky, the Pole stars appeared:

50 (24) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Gamma Cephei,

48 (22) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Beta Cephei,

46 (20) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Alpha Cephei,

44 (18) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star  Alpha Cygni (Cygnus "tail"),

42 (16) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Delta Cygni  (Cygnus "wing"),

40 (14) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Vega, Alpha Lyrae,

38 (12) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Iota Hercules,

35 (9) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Tau Hercules,

31 (5) thousand years ago – with the Polar Star Alpha Dragon,

26 thousand years ago and in our time – with the Polar Star Alpha Ursa Minor.

We do not assert that in every appearance of the Pole Star at the Pole of the World, the ancient people created exactly geometric signs and calendars, but new, as a rule, solar gods appeared necessarily, because in those days it was believed that the sun revolves around the earth, i.e. around the Pole of the World.

Knowledge accumulated gradually. At first, these were images comparable to well-known natural phenomena, which were realistically depicted in the form of people, animals, birds. Then, when realistic images were no longer enough to explain the structure of the phenomenon, signs appeared that characterize the structure of such a phenomenon: circles, crosses, spirals, holes, etc. At first, many peoples had only legends about chaos, dimensionless and formless universal substance, i.e. the sky has not yet been divided into constellation images, the names of the luminaries and planets have not yet been given. Following this, in many legends, the World Duck appeared, which gave birth to the World (Earth with the Pole of the World). Most likely, the image of the Duck in the Indo-European tradition arose during the standing of the Polar Stars in the constellation Cygnus about 44-42 or 18-16 thousand years ago.

Further, when Vega, alpha Lyrae became the Pole Star about 14 thousand years ago, deities appeared with the symbols of the Eagle, Lyra, Turtle (the lyre was made from the shell of a turtle) - Quetzalcoatl, Zeus, based on the common Proto-Indo-European tradition. In the ancient Greek tradition, the constellation Lyra was depicted as an Eagle holding a lyre. Zeus was a thunderer, most likely related to the Precession of the Pole of the World itself, as the father of many sons, the prototypes of the Pole Stars. It is possible that Kronos, the father of Zeus, also belonged to a more ancient figurative concept of the Precession, since he also had many sons, whom he swallowed, which could be a figurative representation of the fact that the Polar Stars disappeared for a while from the Pole of the World.

Further, there is the myth of the birth of Zagreus, the son of Zeus from Persephone, who was sacrificed annually as a calendar symbol, perhaps the birth of the mythical Zagreus dates back to 12 thousand years ago, when the Pole Star was an iota of Hercules. Zagreus in the Achaean tradition, or the First Dionysus, the son of Zeus, appeared against the background of absolutely undivided thinking at the stage of early matriarchy, but with the idea of dividing the worldview so far only into the donor (Zeus) and the victim (Zagreus) with an emphasized relationship between father and son [11, p. 150]. The undivided worldview took the form of worshiping only the ecliptic gods with an obscure center at the Pole of the Ecliptic next to the "head" of the Dragon. They were realistic, dual gods, with all the advantages and disadvantages, good and evil at the same time, like the movement of the Moon and planets along the Ecliptic, with their rising and setting above the horizons. The worldview was holistic and not divided. The appearance of an ideally immobile Pole Star in another celestial center, at the Pole of the World, forced us to look for other, ideal, gods. As a result, the worldview was divided into realistic (materialistic) and idealistic gods, who found themselves in eternal combat.

As a child, Zagreus, like his father, threw lightning and peruns, but the titans, representatives of the Pole of the Ecliptic, tore it up and ate it, they did not have time to eat only the heart that Athena saved. The heart of Zagreus was taken to Zeus, probably symbolically in the Precession area, for the conception of new solar gods. It is believed that Zeus swallowed his heart or had his heart sewn into his thigh, which gave the second birth to his son - the second Dionysus through Semele, the goddess of the vine. The second Dionysus was the founder of the cult of winemaking. Winemaking historically arose in the Neolithic era 10-3 thousand years ago, i.e. when the Pole Stars were the tau of Hercules or the alpha Dragon. Hercules was also the son of Zeus, and most likely belonged to the Pole Star tau Hercules 10-9 thousand years ago, when bows and arrows appeared. In his 12th feat, Hercules, in search of the gardens of the Hesperides, came to the north, where Atlas held the Sky, apparently at the Pole of the World. Atlas knew where the apples of the Hesperides were, but did not say, and went for them himself, persuading Hercules to temporarily hold the sky. Why did Atlas not tell Hercules where the gardens of the Hesperides are, but went for apples himself? Because the myth was specially created in order to inform descendants that the tau star of the constellation Hercules 9 thousand years ago for some time became Polar. Of course, the myth was written much later, after the passage of time and the realization of this phenomenon. 

Then the second Dionysus could symbolize the Alpha Dragon, the Pole Star of the 3rd millennium BC, as well as Indra among the Hindus, Thoth among the Egyptians, Mercury among the Romans. Then, everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, new solar gods appeared both in Eurasia and in North America, since, despite the lack of contacts between people on these continents, the northern sky was the same for everyone. Local geniuses discovered changes in the sky and gave names to new gods who brought ideas of geometric and mathematical knowledge based on accurate calculations regarding the seen celestial center at the Pole of the World, manifested by the North Star. At the behest of the new time, the old gods of the Pole of the Ecliptic, next to the "head" of the constellation Dragon, the center of the ancient lunar observation system, with its dual characteristics (like the rising and setting of the moon, planets on the Ecliptic), receded into the background, giving way to ideal gods, as it was considered, with the solar characteristics of the Pole of the World. The Rig Veda describes how the new sun god Indra, together with other sun gods dives, defeated the Serpent Vritra by hitting him with a vajra lower back (the alpha Dragon in the constellation is located below the back, often symbolized by the phallus) and from there new waters flowed, obviously a new grid of astronomical coordinates in the image of a spoked wheel:

"Indra's heroic deeds now I want to proclaim:

Those, the first that the thunderer did.

He killed the serpent, he drilled (channels) for the waters,

He cut the bowels of the mountains… [18, I.32.1].

"Enraged like a bull, he chose soma,

He drank soma squeezed out in three vessels.

Generous grabbed a projectile - vajra.

He killed him, the first-born of serpents ... [ibid, I.32.3].

Legless, armless he fought against Indra.

He hit him on the back with a club.

The ox wanted to become the bull's opponent.

Vritra was lying scattered in different places ... [ibid, I.32.7].

Among the non-stopping, non-calming

The body is hidden by the waterways.

The waters flow through the secret place of Vritra ... [ibid, I.32.10].

Indra is the king of the moving (and) resting,

Hornless and horned, thunderer.

It is he, as a king, who rules the nations.

Like a rim - spokes (wheels), he embraced them all ”[ibid, I.32.15]. 

Indra is the lord of Svarga, paradise. Probably among the Hindus, Swarga mythologically symbolized the Precession - the place where the Pole Stars, their children, appeared. Also among the Slavs, Svarog was the father of many solar gods and could also symbolize the Precession. Among the Greeks, Zeus was the father of the sons of the serpent fighters and could symbolize the Precession. Among the Egyptians, the god Thoth was the son of the god Ra, and then the god Ra could also symbolize the Precession. Awareness of the phenomenon of the Precession, as the appearance and disappearance of the Pole Stars, probably arose a long time ago and in the language of myths this was expressed by the nature of the birth and death of the gods.

The cult of the second Dionysus in Greece, as well as the cult of Indra among the Hindus, is marked by orgaistic characteristics. Also, like the cult of Osiris in Egypt, the cult of Yaril among the Slavs, the cult of Mercury (Hermes) among the Romans. The appearance of the North Star Alpha Dragon at the border of the  IV-III  millennium BC coincided with the appearance of the Indo-Europeans in the historical arena, the development of metallurgical production, with the transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. There was a transition from matriarchy to patriarchy, which was greatly facilitated by the characteristics of the gods, symbolizing the star of the Alpha Dragon. Pillars were installed everywhere, often in the form of a phallus, most likely designed to track the daily and annual time: during the day by the sun's shadow, at night by the rotation of the constellations around the top of the pillar. At the top of the pillar, a wheel with spokes dividing the sky into sectors could be installed, as described in the Rig Veda (see above). The most ancient track from a wheel with spokes was found in Sintashta [5, p. 204, Fig. 107] and it dates back to 2026 BC based on the bones of animals buried nearby [13]. Sintashta and Arkaim, whose settlement plans are made in the form of a wheel, are the South Ural monuments of the Andronovo culture [6, p. 32, Fig. 6.I]. Archaeologists attribute them to the Indo-Iranian community for genetic studies of human remains. The descendants of the Andronovites dispersed to all directions of the world, including to India and Iran, about which the ancient written sources of the Rigveda and the Avesta narrate. The ancient Iranian Avesta says: "... Yima made Var the size of a run (horse) on all four sides ”[3, p. 80]. The horse's run on all four sides represented the rotation of the Ursa Major constellation around the Pole of the World [16, p. 59-61, Fig. 20.21; 19, p. 31] (Fig. 4). The second Dionysus was brought up in Nisa. Henry Shepard places the country of Nisa in Thrace, on the Lower Dniester (Nistra) and sees Indo-European roots in this myth, which originated in the Proto-Anatolian period from the area of the Andronovo culture (South Urals, Siberia) and united the ancestors of the future Nisean Hittites [20].


Fig. 4. The location of the constellation Ursa Major on the plan of Arkaim and on the contour of the horse in Terekty-Aulie [6, p. 32, Fig. 6.I; 16, p. 59-61, Fig. 20.21; 19, p. 31].


The spoked wheel at first could have been an astronomical instrument, but later it began to be used in light chariots for the fastest crossing of the vast steppe. Also, as an astronomical instrument, according to the principle of "wheel in wheel in wheel", the Mayan Calendar was created in North America, but the wheel did not find use in everyday life, perhaps because the area was dominated by impenetrable jungle. From the III millennium BC refined calendars, schematic signs on ceramics and in rock paintings began to appear, traces of which are found in the places of residence of Indo-Europeans, matriarchy finally began to be replaced by patriarchy. The names of the new solar deities were different, but their characteristics in the Indo-European tradition were similar - they were thunders, snake-fighters - the victors of Serpents and Dragons.

But over time, the Polar Stars left the Pole of the World, showing emptiness in the same place. Perhaps this phenomenon was reflected in the mythological traditions of the periodic birth and death of Zagreus, as well as the oblivion of his name, about which A.F. Losev [11, p. 145-146]. The inferiority of the gods, who ceased to be ideal, appeared, as Yima in the Avesta became sinful in many ways. The names of the former gods became secret, like Yahweh among the Jews, or Zagreus among the ancient Greeks. The myths trace the traditions of the sacrifice of the gods - Kronos swallowed his children, Zeus allowed his son Zagreus to be sacrificed.

A.F. Losev notes "...that the philosophical awareness of the mythology of "being torn apart" in Greece is associated with the Orphic, that is, not earlier than VI century BC and continued by the Neoplatonists, i.e. ends its evolution together with the end of all ancient philosophy. Only philosophy itself is new here, and not myths and speculations that go back to time immemorial... This philosophical theory of the myth of being torn apart is such a wonderful document of Greek and universal human culture that it is impossible not to dwell on it" [11, p. 149]. K. Jaspers called the VI century BC "Axial time", when science and philosophy were born in ancient Greece. And we will note that this was the time of the middle between the positions of the Pole Stars: the Alpha Dragon in 2800 BC and alpha Ursa Minor in 2100 AD, when the star is closest to the Pole of the World. In times without the polar stars ideally standing in the center of the sky, the ancient Lunar ecliptic religions were restored or new dual religions appeared according to the type of rising and setting of luminaries above the horizon (Taoism, Zoroastrianism), or scientific realistic (materialistic) philosophical concepts were formed.

In the Greek tradition, the gods of Olympus most likely referred to the circumpolar picture of the northern starry sky, where both celestial centers of rotation are located next to any of the Polar Stars on the Precession loop, symbolized by the hero-snake-fighter and the thunderer. The same place is described in the Rig Veda as two World Mountains, Meru (with the sun gods dives at the Pole of the World) and Mandara (with the old gods asuras at the Pole of the Ecliptic). The same place is described as Paradise in the Bible with the Tree of good from evil, guarded by the Serpent (Pole of the Ecliptic) and the Tree of Life (eternal Life), as the ideal point of the Pole of the World, to which the axis of rotation of the Earth points. The same place Iriy is a paradise in Slavic mythology.

Our task is to understand why this or that myth, this or that ancient creation has a certain structure, what epistemological idea was the basis. If there is an astronomical basis in our scientific understanding, then we are dealing with an astronomical structure and can calculate to what time and epoch the investigated area of knowledge may belong.


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