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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issue of moral education of children of senior preschool age. The authors share the experience of one of the preschool educational organization with the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school." On the basis of the preschool educational institution, diagnostics was carried out to identify the level of moral education of children of senior preschool age. To study the formation of moral upbringing in older preschoolers, diagnostic methods were carried out by G.A. Uruntaeva, I. B. Dermanova

Morality, education, personality formation of a preschooler, children's health, the younger generation, innovations, technologies, senior preschool age
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For many years, the preschool organization has kept the best traditions of upbringing a healthy generation, through ensuring the physical and mental health of the child, the search for innovative technologies for working with preschool children is constantly being carried out.

In one of the preschool educational institutions of Almetyevsk, the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia), an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" is being implemented.

  This program is an innovative general educational program document for preschool institutions, it is based on the best traditions of domestic preschool education and is revised in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) version of the "Education and Training Program in Kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

The PEO general education program provides a diversified development of children aged 2 to 7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic. The program ensures that pupils achieve school readiness. The standard term for mastering the program is 5 years.

On the basis of PEO, diagnostics was carried out to identify the level of moral education of older preschool children. This study involved 20 people aged 5-7 years.

Older preschoolers are no longer as strongly attached to toys, things, for example, as younger preschoolers. 55% of older preschoolers share their toys quite calmly. But, there are also children who show ownership in things, in toys and it is rather difficult to part with them, and in our case, older preschoolers keep more toys for themselves than they give to others. Such children accounted for 35%, namely 7 children. Despite all the explanations of the rules of the game, there were some children who did not want to share toys at all, there were 10% of such children (2 people). Perhaps this happened against the background of the fact that the children did not get enough sleep, were in a bad mood.

Based on this diagnosis, it can be concluded that the child's behavior in a situation of moral choice is dependent on mood, state during the period of the game. From the answers it is clear that 55% of older preschoolers share with pleasure to a greater extent. According to the analysis of the moral upbringing of older preschool children, we see that the level of moral upbringing is at a low level than we would like. Of course, there are older preschoolers whose moral upbringing has no negative sides. But nevertheless, we see from the revealed results that there are those who need to change their level of moral upbringing.

To study the formation of moral upbringing in older preschoolers, we carried out the diagnostic technique "Subject pictures" (the emotional-value aspect of morality), where the teacher shows pictures depicting the positive and negative actions of peers and the child must give a moral assessment to the actions shown in the picture, which will reveal the attitude children to moral standards.

28 people, aged 5-7 years, took part in this diagnosis, where from Figure 2 it can be seen that 65% of older preschoolers showed an average level of formation of an emotional attitude to moral norms, 15% have a low level and 25% of older preschoolers have a high level, which shows the need to increase the obtained level among older preschoolers, namely those who have low and medium levels.

For a more complete analysis of moral upbringing, we conducted a conversation with older preschoolers using the method of G. A. Uruntaeva "Finish history" (the cognitive component of moral upbringing).

60% of older preschoolers have an average level of formation of moral standards, 30% of children have a low level and 10% of older preschoolers showed a high level, which shows the need for additional measures to improve the level of moral education.

This result shows that work should be carried out with older preschoolers, which has additional measures to increase the level of formation of an emotional attitude to moral norms.

For a deeper analysis of the activities of kindergarten teachers on the moral upbringing of older preschoolers and understanding of parents for the need for moral upbringing of children studying in a preschool educational organization, we conducted a survey among parents.

17 parents took part in the survey. There are parents of older preschoolers who do not believe that in modern society there is an acute problem of the moral upbringing of children, namely 18%, which is a far from correct answer.

In fact, such a problem exists in our world and it all depends on the upbringing of parents and the support of this problem by a kindergarten. 47% of parents also agree with this point of view, which is less than half and requires a conversation with parents so that they can change their minds based on certain facts. There are parents who are not enlightened in this matter - 35%.

Consequently, there are parents who do not see the problem in the modern world in the moral upbringing of children, which is a rather sad result. There are parents who do not know this problem, or rather do not recognize it at all.

These results need to be changed for the better with the help of conversations, round tables, where clear criteria for the need for moral education in a preschool institution and at home will be presented. The majority of parents believe that work on moral education in a preschool educational institution can be carried out, namely, 53%. This result is good, but not excellent, because other parents either do not consider it possible and necessary (12%), or do not know the answer to this question (35%).

Based on Figure 5, it can be seen that slightly less than half of the parents do not know and do not consider it possible to carry out work on moral education in a preschool institution. This result is not positive and requires a change and education of parents in this area. A rather small number of parents are ready to take part and help educators in a preschool institution in spiritual and moral education, namely, 47%. There are parents who are absolutely not ready to cooperate with a preschool institution (35%) and 18% do not know the answer to this question.

Consequently, parents are not ready to cooperate with a preschool institution, and this is a rather big problem, because the result of the moral education of preschool children depends not only on the preschool institution, but also on the upbringing of the parents. If parents control themselves in expressions and actions, both among themselves and among themselves, then in a preschool institution such children only need to consolidate the knowledge that they already have.

Cooperation with PEO guarantees joint work on the moral education of older preschoolers in connection with the fact that the work aimed at moral education will go from all sides. When asked what qualities a teacher needs to carry out the process of moral upbringing of children, the majority of parents (59%) answered: love, kindness, understanding; 41% of parents chose the answer: kindness, hard work, emotional sensitivity.

From these data, it follows that one of the criteria presented in the responses is kindness. Consequently, all parents believe that the moral education of children contains, first of all, kindness. Consequently, parents of preschoolers believe that understanding and responsiveness to the teacher is more necessary. But in our opinion, parents should also have the same qualities.

Most parents imagine that kindness, responsiveness, love, understanding, and the desire to help are an indicator of moral upbringing. There are 71% of such parents, which is a good result. All parents chose love and responsiveness as an indicator of a person's moral upbringing.

88% of parents teach their children the correct behavior in public transport, society, etc. But there are those parents who do not teach the correct behavior of their preschoolers at all, namely 12%. Consequently, most of them strive to teach their children the correct behavior, but there are those who believe that they should teach all the norms in the kindergarten, but learning takes place both at home and in the kindergarten.

It is the responsibility of the parents to educate and teach, and the responsibility of the preschool educator to support this learning.

Thus, MBPEI implements an approximate basic general education program of preschool education "From birth to school", as well as additional educational programs and paid additional educational services.

After analyzing the annual curriculum of activities for the moral education of older preschoolers, it was revealed that all of the listed activities are aimed at the moral education of older preschool children in a preschool educational organization, but due to the fact that their number is not large to achieve a good result, it was proposed a set of measures developed for the moral education of senior preschoolers to teachers and a methodologist of a preschool educational organization.

To diagnose the moral upbringing of older preschoolers, we used the methodology of I. B. Dermanova "Shared the toys", the method "Scene pictures", the method of G. A. Uruntaeva "Finish the story" and the questioning of parents "Moral education in PEI."

From our analysis it is clear that the level of moral upbringing in older preschoolers must be increased, as well as the level of understanding of the need for moral upbringing of preschoolers among their parents must also be raised with the help of round tables, conversations, presentation meetings, where convincing facts will be presented.

The following problems were identified: not all children know how to share toys (activity component), not everyone can explain and distinguish between good and bad actions (emotional component); a small part of older preschoolers have an idea of ​​moral norms (cognitive component).

In order to increase this efficiency and the level of moral education in general, a set of measures was developed. On the moral education of older preschoolers through didactic games: the game - travel, "The world around us", the game "In the country of the polite", the game "Who knows more kind words", the game "Teach obedience", the game "It is necessary and impossible", the game "Explain why?", "How can you?" Game, "Hugs" game, "Love Pyramid" game,"Love and Friendship Day" entertainment.

For parents on the problems of moral education of children: parent meeting "Rules of conduct in society", conversation "Good and bad deeds", watching a movie about what polite words should be used in the vocabulary with children so that they also know and use them and etc. We held these events on the basis of PEO.

Thus, these activities, through didactic games, are aimed at increasing the level of moral upbringing of older preschoolers in a children's educational organization. They will help to expand the idea of ​​older preschoolers about the concept of morality, to look for and find new solutions for the formation of moral education.


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