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Abstract (English):
The appearance in society of a large number of children in a difficult life situation, with a high degree of maladjustment in need of social rehabilitation and making unauthorized departures from a stationary insti-tution, posed a task for social specialists to develop forms and methods of work to level the disadvantage of minors.The complex work of all specialists of the inpatient institution is able to prevent unauthorized departures and bring up a harmoniously developed personality. Relevance of the problem. According to various estimates, there are between 150000 and 4 million homeless and neglected children in Russia. They often "live" under the same roof with their parents, but their ties with the family are atrophied or destroyed. The parental family not only failed to fulfill its functions in relation to them, but also became a factor deforming their social and individual development - this is an acute problem in society. Statistics and practice show that adolescents leave different families - both dysfunctional and well-off. If in the first case it is clear why adoles- cents run away from home: they beat them, morally humiliate them, do not feed their own alcoholic parents, from birth the children are left to them-selves and are accustomed to leading an uncontrolled lifestyle. Either in prosperous families, the situation is different: the parents declare that they have to work hard to provide the child with prosperity and comfort, while there is often no time at all for the spiritual upbringing of the child. When a child begins to grow up, love on the part of adults must take on a different form. A small child needs good care, safety, control, but for a teenager, parental love is acceptance and support of him as a person, independent and individual, capable of taking responsibility for his life.

unauthorized cares, prevention of offenses, adaptation of minors, health promotion, assistance to pupils
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The currently existing measures to address the unauthorized departure of children are not effective enough. In this regard, it is necessary to develop and implement new forms and methods for the prevention of unauthorized departures.

The developed areas of work in the municipal government institution of social services "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors "Hope" (hereinafter – MGISS SRC "Hope") with children in difficult life situations will contribute to the absence of unauthorized leaving and increase their adaptive capabilities, subject to the regularity of the work carried out, individual and personal approach, taking into account the psychophysiological state of the pupils.

To implement the set goals and objectives, a set of methods is used in the work: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, documentary materials, psycho-pedagogical testing, pedagogical observation, questioning.

The work takes into account the conditions reflected in the holistic pedagogical approach:

1 Individual characteristics of children in a difficult life situation - age, gender, motor abilities, functional capabilities, mental state.

2 Gradual and moderate intensity of work with pupils undergoing social rehabilitation at MGISS SRC "Hope".

3 Systematic - the implementation of a complex of applied work within the established system of work in the institution.

4 Consistency - a step-by-step study of the main directions and principles, a sequential transition from simple to complex.

5 The sequence of activities to achieve the optimal effect of increasing adaptive capabilities.

Prevention of unauthorized departure of minors from an institution with permanent residence, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to this - one of the priority areas of activity of all subjects of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

The tasks of preventing unauthorized departures are: protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children, prevention of situations that threaten the life and health of pupils; prevention of offenses and antisocial actions both committed by minors and in relation to them; rehabilitation and provision of: pedagogical, social, medical assistance to pupils prone to unauthorized leaving.

MGISS SRC "Hope" pays great attention to the issues of preventing juvenile delinquency and unauthorized leaving.

According to our statistics, unauthorized care is influenced by age and season. The most difficult period: spring and autumn. By age, adolescents from 10 to 15 years old are susceptible to flight. This is a difficult psychological period for many reasons.

Children who make unauthorized cares have learning problems, it is difficult for them to build relationships with others, to comply with the requirements for adherence to food intake, preparation of lessons, sleep and rest. Much is explained by various psychophysical deviations in health and various kinds of addictions.

Preventive work is aimed at protecting pupils from actions at the initial stage of trouble, preventing the commission of an offense.

According to our statistics, the following types of shoots are identified:

1. Escapes as a search for entertainment and pleasure;

2. Escapes, as a reaction of protest to excessive demands (according to adolescents), not a desire to obey the daily routine;

3. "Specifically - pubertal escape" due to age-related fantasy and daydreaming.

The reasons for unauthorized departures are:

- deficiency of the emotional-volitional sphere (extreme forms of expression of emotion, they hardly understand the feelings of another person and their own).

- low communicative competence (difficult to negotiate, solving difficult life situations).

- lack of independent forms of behavior (the ability to independently make decisions).

Adolescents make unauthorized departures with the aim of attracting the attention of parents or their substitutes to their problems, looking for an environment where they will be more successful - free to do what they want, entertainment and pleasure. The reaction of a teenager to a difficult age crisis and ignorance of his entire social circle.

Organization of activities for the prevention of unauthorized departures in the conditions of MGISS SRC "Hope":

Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention:  

We have defined: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

"Primary prevention" applies to interventions directed at all children living in an institution. To solve the problems of primary prevention, a wide range of education of children about risky behavior is considered.

"Secondary prevention" refers to measures aimed at those who have not yet committed unauthorized care, but are in a high-risk situation, or who have committed unauthorized care at least once.

"Tertiary prevention" is an intervention when a child has repeatedly left the institution unauthorized, in which case the work is carried out to provide assistance and prevent the recurrence of unauthorized care in the future (the level of work with children who constantly make unauthorized cares). Each case of unauthorized care has its own specifics, therefore, each time a separate individual program is created, developed by all specialists of the institution after assessing the situation in which the child is.

The institution has a system for monitoring the effectiveness of preventive activities aimed at preventing unauthorized leaving of pupils, as well as the effectiveness of rehabilitation work, the implementation of individual action plans with children of "risk group". The plan of coordinated interagency interaction for the prevention of unauthorized departures and the search for pupils, the algorithm and regulations for the actions of employees in the event of unauthorized departures by minors and the procedure for taking measures to search for them. One of the priority areas of prevention is the organization of employment of pupils who are registered in the institution ("Council for Prevention"), in the JC and Wage, JAU DMIA.

For each fact of unauthorized departure of pupils from the institution, an official investigation is immediately carried out, managerial decisions are made to prevent such facts, including the application of disciplinary sanctions to the employees of the institution, who committed the facts of unauthorized leaving of pupils, as well as untimely informing about them.

Employees are regularly instructed on the procedure for actions in case of unauthorized leaving of pupils, measures are taken to increase the level of personal responsibility of each for preserving the life and health of pupils, for organizing preventive measures to prevent this phenomenon, the importance of measures to ensure constant and timely recording of the facts of unauthorized leaving is emphasized. from the institution. According to the plan, training is carried out: educators, educational psychologists, social educators on issues of psychological and pedagogical support of children.

Work on the prevention of unauthorized departures is based on the principles:

1. The employee takes all possible actions to ensure the safety of the pupils, assessing the risks for each individually.

2. Reducing the number of cases of unauthorized leaving. Missing minors can find themselves in a risky situation, each case is very serious. Daily interaction is carried out for consistent and harmonious feedback with the pupil, including on his return in order to reduce the risk of repeated leave.

3. Preventing harm for a child and returning the child to safety as quickly as possible by working on this task, developing partnerships with various agencies and the local community, sharing information, and improving governance.

4. Work on the prevention of unauthorized departures is carried out regularly and is reflected in the prevention plan (an integral part of the survey upon the return of the child).

The procedure for responding to the unauthorized departure of the pupil from the institution:

In case of unauthorized leaving, all employees immediately inform the administration of the institution about the fact of the incident and take the necessary measures to return the child to the institution. Upon receipt of information about the fact of the unauthorized departure of the pupil (s) from the institution, the administration immediately:

- finds out the circumstances of the incident, including conducting an official investigation into this fact in the institution;

- Immediately reports the incident to the internal affairs bodies of the municipality;

- immediately sends information about children who have left the institution without permission to the Department of Social Protection of the Population;

- ensures the departure of employees at the place of the alleged stay of the pupil, interacts with the internal affairs bodies at the place of the possible location of the child;

- records the information received in the register of cases of unauthorized leaving of pupils from the institution.

Methods and forms of preventive work.

Preventive work is a complex, multifaceted and lengthy process. In activities to prevent unauthorized departures, the emphasis is shifted to early prevention (creating conditions that ensure the possibility of normal development of children, timely identification of crisis situations arising in children).

The technology of working with inmates who make unauthorized cares is based on a number of factors, among which the most important place is occupied by the relationship of the minor with the institution in which he lives.

The pedagogical staff of the institution is based on the experience of well-known Soviet teachers: VP Kashchenko (the system of labor training and education + great attention to the mental development of children); A. S. Makarenko (development of the principles of self-government, discipline and the formation of public opinion as a leading regulator of interpersonal relations, the development of traditions, the construction of the educational process based on the combination of training with productive labor); S. T. Shatskiy (the idea of ​​the nationality of upbringing in combination with labor training); A. A. Katolikova (multidisciplinary agricultural labor at the heart of the educational process, the system of labor, economic and environmental education, upbringing and development of the child's personality).

Forms of psychoprophylactic work with children prone to unauthorized abandonment: organization of the social environment, information, active teaching of socially important skills, organization of activities that are alternative to deviant behavior, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, activation of personal resources, minimization of the negative consequences of unauthorized departures, etc.

By the way of organizing work, we distinguish the following forms of social prevention: individual and group.

Individual work with pupils is based on the study of their individual psychological characteristics, character, and style of behavior. Individual conversations about the inadmissibility of committing illegal actions, responsibility for offenses and crimes, the need to comply with the institution's regime, and attend school classes.

One of the main mechanisms of individual work is the adult's dynamic observation and control of the child's volitional behavior, which is recorded in the individual adaptation sheets for each of the pupils. The system of individual work includes: daily monitoring of progress, school attendance, timely action to eliminate gaps in knowledge, prevention of absenteeism for unreasonable reasons. The initial stage of individual work establishes contact and motivates the child to participate in the work. Minors agree to communicate when they are interested in the process itself, when they are perceived as a full participant in the interaction. The work is based on the principles of dialogical communication (partnership with pupils in order to jointly study a specific situation and ways to resolve it).

Group work forms the skills of constructive interaction and adaptation in society (the main form of group preventive work is a training session). The situation of influencing the personality for the purpose of self-knowledge and self-development, the acquisition of new skills. During the training sessions, the skills of assertive behavior are formed.

A cycle of classes is carried out to prevent subsequent unauthorized departures. Effective methods for preventing unauthorized departures are:

Active social training in socially important skills is implemented in the form of group trainings in the form of trainings:

- resistance (resistance) to negative social influences,

- assertiveness or affective-value learning,

- the formation of life skills (self-control, confident behavior, changes in oneself and the surrounding situation, etc.).

Activation of personal resources ensures the activity of the individual, his health and resistance to negative external influences: sports, their creative self-expression, participation in communication groups and personal growth, art therapy (use of art), bibliotherapy, drama therapy, music therapy. The application of these methods has two mechanisms of psychological corrective action. The first is aimed at the influence of art through the symbolic function of reconstructing a conflicting traumatic situation and finding a way out through reconstructing the situation. The second is related to the nature of the aesthetic reaction, which allows you to change the reaction of experiencing negative affect in relation to the formation of a positive affect that brings satisfaction. In the work with pupils, game therapy is actively used, supplemented by art-therapeutic methods: fairy tale therapy, drawing, modeling, application, etc.

T.I. Shulga believes that traumatic experiences not only give the child suffering and pain, but also make him angry with the offender. The use of games allows you to relieve the stress that a child has from the traumatic situations he has experienced (but only for a certain time, before repeating them).

The organization of the social environment is based on the concept of the determining influence of the environment on the formation of deviations. By influencing social factors, it is possible to prevent undesirable behavior of a person, the impact can be directed to society as a whole, for example, through the creation of negative public opinion in relation to antisocial behavior. The object of work can also be a family, a social group (school, class) or a specific person.

Prevention includes social advertising to form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, sobriety. The mass media are of great importance: special programs, performances of youth idols, selected films - all this has a higher quality level. Work with the youth subculture in the form of “Youth against Drugs” movements or actions with performances by well-known rock bands (held in socially significant places where young people spend their leisure time and communicate).

Information in the form of lectures, conversations, distribution of special literature or video and television films.The essence of the approach is to try to influence the cognitive processes of an individual in order to increase his ability to make constructive decisions. It is important to use information supported by statistics (not use as intimidation). At the same time, the negative consequences of drug use are listed or the dramatic destinies of deviants, their personalities, and degradation are described.

The method increases knowledge, but has a bad effect on behavior change (information does not reduce the level of deviations). In some cases, earlier acquaintance with deviations stimulates the strengthening of interests in them, and intimidation can cause cognitive-emotional dissonance, motivating to this type of behavior.

Information must be presented in a timely manner. Informing is carried out differentiated by age and sex, socio-economic characteristics. So, for example, conversations on the prevention of drug addiction should be held no earlier than 14 years old, without the content of a detailed description of drugs and the effects produced on the child. Conversations are aimed at discussing the consequences of such behavior and methods of abstaining from it, at developing an active personal position.

In order to prevent deviant behavior, psychological counseling and crisis assistance via the helpline are also used.

The organization of activities that are alternative to deviant behavior is associated with the substitution effect of deviant behavior (addiction is an increase in self-esteem and integration into a reference group). Fostering sustainable interests and developing the ability to form in oneself the ability to occupy oneself and work. If by adolescence positive needs are not formed, then the personality is vulnerable to negative needs and occupations.

The organization of a healthy lifestyle is based on the idea of personal responsibility for health and harmony with the world around you and your body, the ability to achieve an optimal state and successfully resist unfavorable environmental factors. A healthy style is nutrition, physical activity, adherence to work and rest, communication with nature, exclusion of excesses.

Here we included a set of work that takes into account all of the above, as well as physical education with children with a high level of tension according to the existing methodology, which removes: loneliness, anxiety, aggressiveness, aimed at the development of physical qualities, communicative attitudes of the child.

In addition, labor education is of paramount importance, starting with: cleaning your own bedside table, helping in the dining room (duty), putting your clothes in order, participating in a volunteer cleanup, working on a personal plot at an institution (the ability to plant, water, weed, harvest, prepare a crop - it is not only additional knowledge, employment, but also accustoming to further adult independent life).

Minimizing the negative consequences of deviant behavior is used in cases with children with already formed deviant behavior and is aimed at preventing relapses or their negative consequences.

In an interesting, work-filled, sports, active leisure activity, there is no time and desire to dream of escapes and make them. And the use of an integrated approach in solving the problem of unauthorized departures from an inpatient institution reduces in pupils: anxiety, aggressiveness, a state of loneliness, improves health, increases communication attitudes, adaptive capabilities of the child and ultimately helps in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.


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