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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the presentation and justification of the effectiveness digitalization, aimed at solving the problems existed in the current educational standards for increasing the effectiveness of English classes for the future bachelors-teachers. The article presents the main results of the implementation of the pedagogical resourcing forming the foreign language communicative competence to boost the effectiveness of the English classes for future bachelor-teachers, their involvement in the educational process in the digital surrounding.

digitalization, pedagogical resourcing, English classes, motivation, involvement, preparation of bachelors
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Modern higher education is designed to prepare productive potential for an innovative economy with the help of a wide range of new knowledge. The fourth industrial revolution is transforming digital technology and brings with it the opportunities to transform education by finding new methods and ways of implementing new ways in the classroom. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2018 «On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024» as one of the priority tasks in the field of education, «the creation of a modern and safe digital educational environment that ensures high quality and accessibility of education for all types and levels [1].

The digital educational environment of a pedagogical university has a pronounced career guidance orientation, that is, it is goal-oriented towards the transfer of professional knowledge, special skills and abilities, stimulating the adoption of a professional role, the formation of strategic thinking in the presence of a personalized trail of the student, since the subject of digital didactics of vocational education and training is “the learning process taken as a whole, as a system of organizing the learning environment in the digital educational environment ”[6].

By pedagogical resourcing for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers - philologists, we mean the type of such professional and pedagogical activity aimed at activating such educational resources that allow the student to constructively solve professional problems of foreign language communication in the digital educational environment of the university, while observing the principles of its organization: the principle of personalization; the scientific principle; the principle of professional and communicative orientation; the principle of demand and success; the principle of integrity and expediency; the principle of complexity and interactivity, combining types of foreign language communication activities with an individual student's self-development program; the principle of flexibility and adaptability.

Based on the analysis of scientific papers, the following pedagogical resourcing has been developed on the basis of SAMR technology for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers of philologists. 1) Substitution: digital technologies in some cases can replace traditional ones (for example, interactive texts); 2) Accumulation (Augmentation): digital technologies become a tool for optimization in solving educational problems (for example, current or diagnostic, or final assessment using an interactive platform, such as Progressme, Moodle mobile applications and services); 3) Modification: significant functional changes in the educational process of the university and the interaction of its participants; 4) Transformation (Redefinition): the formulation and solution of new pedagogical problems that could not be solved earlier.

Pedagogical resourcing for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers-philologists at the university includes: enriching the educational environment of the university with digital and interactive elements: gamification, case study method and group discussion in a digital educational environment; interactive, informational teaching aids, which is due to the need to involve subjects of the digital educational environment in foreign language communication in the digital educational environment of the university; development and implementation of the work program of the discipline of training sessions, creating situations of professional communication using digital resources and interactive methods (Progressme, Moodle platforms) while tracing the digital trail of the student; conducting classes in English using game mechanics; activation of the cognitive activity of future bachelors-teachers of philologists through the optimal combination of individual, group and collective forms of education in a digital educational environment; organization and testing of interdisciplinary activities with native speakers on the basis of modern multimedia technologies, which allows future bachelors-teachers of philologists at the university to develop the ability to interact in a foreign language professional sphere, master the methods of searching and exchange professionally oriented foreign language information to understand the professional context of partner countries.

The effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical resourcing in the digital educational environment of the university in the formation of foreign language communicative competence will be determined by the implementation of the following principles: the principle of personalization, which implies the freedom of choice of the student in setting educational goals, designing an individual educational route, determining the pace and level of mastering certain elements of the educational program, preferred technologies, forms and methods of teaching, taking into account his educational needs, personal inclinations and preferences, cultural characteristics; scientific principle, implemented with the optimal use of various algorithms and appropriate digital means to reflect advances in scientific aspects; the principle of professional and communicative orientation, in which the content and strategy of linguistic training are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of the professional and communicative areas; the principle of demand and success, initiating the relevance of the student's needs and the needs of society as a whole; the principle of integrity and expediency, ensuring the integration of disciplines of various subject blocks in the logic of professional training; the principle of complexity and interactivity, combining types of foreign language communication activities with an individual student's self-development program; the principle of flexibility and adaptability, combining student self-organization in the course of linguistic training and pedagogical influence based on dialogue and cooperation.

Pedagogical resourcing for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers in the digital educational environment of a pedagogical university involves the formation and development of personal, theoretical and practical components of foreign language communicative competence. Therefore, the identification of the level of each of the components of the foreign language communicative competence after completing tasks in the classroom according to the program of the working discipline of the course "Practical course of the English language" is preliminary and only at the productive stage during interaction with colleagues from different countries and in the process of reflection can the final result be revealed.

The belonging of future bachelors-teachers of philologists to a certain level of foreign language communicative competence in the digital educational environment was determined by the total score of all criteria. The proposed methodology provides for the assessment of the manifestation of each indicator characterizing the components of the structure of foreign language communicative competence, on a discrete scale: 0; 0.5; 1; 1.5. For a quantitative assessment of the criterion, it is necessary to summarize the assessments of all the indicators included in it, and to assess the formed foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers, it is necessary to summarize the assessments for each criterion of the foreign language communicative competence. In accordance with this, students who scored 19-25 points will have a professional level of knowledge, those students who scored 16-19 will have a free level, students who received 10.5 - 15 points will have a creative level, advanced 5.5 - 10, threshold 3.5 - 5, adaptive 0 - 3. At the same time, 10.5 - 15 points will correspond to a high level only if the communicative criterion has a high level. The effective-evaluative criterion of the foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers in the digital educational environment of the university includes the criteria and levels of formation of the content components of the foreign language communicative competence. Let us consider a summary analysis of the results of the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers of philologists in a digital educational environment by components. The study was carried out at the beginning of the experimental work, during and after training according to the program of the work program of the discipline of the course "Practical course of the English language" within the framework of the developed pedagogical resourcing. The research was carried out by the methods of questioning, testing and expert assessments of teachers and employers. The research data are presented in the table below. The adaptive, threshold and basic levels are not presented in the table below, since they are already formed and constitute the remaining percentage.

Table - Summary dynamics of changes in the level of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of future bachelors-teachers for professionally oriented foreign language communication at the beginning and end of experimental work


Formative stage

Control stage

Control group

Experimental group

Control group

Experimental group


46 %

36,7 %

38 %

12,4 %


15 %

20,4 %

23 %

37 %


3,8 %

14,3 %

4,4 %

47, 1 %


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