g. Rostova-na-Donu, Russian Federation
GRNTI 06.52 Экономическое развитие и рост. Прогнозир-ние и планирование экономики. Экономич. циклы и кризисы
TBK 77 Экономика. Бухгалтерский учет. Финансы
TBK 7713 Макроэкономика
TBK 7714 Микроэкономика
TBK 7717 Экономика предприятия (фирмы)
TBK 7726 Управленческий учет
TBK 777 Внешнеэкономическая деятельность (ВЭД)
BISAC BUS000000 General
This article provides an econometric analysis of the volume of imports of live animals in the Russian Federation according to the data of 01.01.2018-30.09.2021. by quarters. Based on the presented quarterly data, an econometric model was developed and a forecast for the volume of imports of live animals in the 4th quarter of 2021 was calculated
import volumes of live animals, econometric model, multiplicative model, dummy variables, forecast, estimate
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