In the era of the development of information and innovative technologies, new digital tools have covered all spheres of society. Digital technologies have a sig- nificant impact on the economy, forming fundamental changes in it. According to most researchers in the field of economics and digital technologies, it is digitaliza- tion and other technological transformations that are the processes that contributed to the development of the era of global change. The digital economy is not a tool for solving the entire spectrum of problems in the sphere of the economy. The development of the digital economy must be considered in the context of other transformational processes that are taking place in all spheres of modern society. And in this situation, a systematic approach is needed to assess the development of the digital economy, as a form of organizing the economic activity of society and socio-economic relations within it, which appeared as a result of scientific and technological progress, aimed at transforming industries in all sectors of the economy to generate increasing returns with the help of technologies of the sixth technological order, accelerating the processes of the exchange of information in time and space. The purpose of this study - is substantiation of the position that the transition to a digital economy (digital revolution) is not just a change in the technological order and/or another technological (industrial) revolution, but is a change in the paradigm of economic development. The change in the paradigm of economic development is characterized by a change in the nature of the division of labor, a change in the leading mode of in- teraction between economic entities and a change in the basis of economic power. The change in the nature of the division of labor is expressed in the separation of intellectual and organizational centers from production and service units. The change in the leading way of interaction between economic entities is manifested in the gradual displacement of the free market as the leading way of intercompany interaction by value creation networks. Property in the classical sense ceases to be the main basis of economic power, its place is increasingly occupied by a position in the hierarchy of the field of interaction, which makes it possible to establish rules for interaction and distribution of added value. Along with huge opportuni- ties, the digital revolution will inevitably give rise to many problems, the totality of which can be divided into two classes: problems associated with the develop- ment of the digital economy, and problems of the digital economy itself. The main theoretical approaches to the essence of the digital economy (tech- nocentric, resource-oriented, business-oriented, ecosystemic, reproductive, evo - lutionary, cyber-systemic, institutional, ideological) allow us to discover the fac- ets of the complex phenomenon of the digital economy in the context of modern technological development, which may be associated with civilizational changes in society in general and in the economy in particular. Based on the analysis of theoretical provisions, it follows that digitalization - is not a goal, but a means, and the digital economy cannot be considered separately from the rest of the economy and should be interpreted as a segment of activity when the materialization of value added in the production of goods and services is carried out using digital technologies, especially for industries that are Internet dependent. At the same time, it makes sense and value if digital technologies and infrastructure contribute to cooperation in all spheres of the economy and levels of management.
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