Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article is devoted to the problems of linguistic education at the University. The author emphasizes that the main task of a foreign language teacher is the development of a linguistic personality, capable of carrying out intercultural communication effectively in all its spheres. The chief aim of planning and organizing of the educational process at the University, according to the author, is the individualization of education, the training of a competitive specialist who speaks a foreign language not only within the framework of professional activity, but is also ready to carry out research work in a foreign language.

Ключевые слова:
individualization of education, competence-based approach, management of educational activities of students, multilevel tasks, research work of students
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The political and socio-economic changes taking place in our country have led to a significant increase in interest in the study of foreign languages, and therefore to an increase in the role of  linguistic education. Linguistic education plays a leading role in the process of personality development, since language, being the primary means of human communication, acts as a way for creating and interpreting the "image of the world", penetrating into world culture and realizing one's national and cultural identity, as an instrument of social interaction, formation and socialization of a personality. The country needs active, creative people with flexible thinking, developed abilities, able to solve new problems. Learning a foreign language has the necessary positive impact on the development of the human psyche, improving its various aspects. A person develops generalized abstract thinking. In communicative learning, the development of thinking is carried out not only by comparing with the native language, but by solving  more complicated speech-and-thinking tasks that contain elements of problem-solving associated with the semantic content of the communication process. Thus, the cognitive and communicative function of thinking is actively developing. The study of a foreign language contributes to the development of such mental operations as comparison, analysis, synthesis. Mastering a foreign language has a beneficial effect on the development of abilities and speech, motor apparatus. A person develops intonation and phonemic hearing, a "sense of language," or the ability to guess, the ability to allocate the main, all kinds of memory, voluntary and involuntary memorization. Modeling educational situations and situations of reality in the classroom, acting in anticipated circumstances, participating in speech games develop imagination and creativity. Mastering a foreign language is always mental and physical work, systematic and persistent. By accustoming a schoolchild or student to actively work in the lesson, regularly and conscientiously do their homework, we develop the habit of working in him. Developing a cognitive interest in educational work, we lay the foundations of a student's interested attitude to any future profession, the foundations of a creative attitude to work in general. A foreign language as an academic subject makes a significant contribution to the culture of mental work of students. They develop such specific educational skills as the ability to use a dictionary, grammar reference books, etc. All this teaches us to work independently, creates the prerequisites for the development of the need for self-education. Yes, "and that's all about him", about a foreign language! All the noted advantages of the process and result of teaching foreign languages ​​lead to the fact that the role of the versatile training of future teachers as an integrating component in the vocational training system, including subsystems of special, ideological, psychological, pedagogical and cultural and aesthetic training, increases. Accordingly, the main goal in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​is set before the teacher of a foreign language - the development of a linguistic personality capable of effectively carrying out intercultural communication in all its spheres. The formation of a new multicultural personality should contribute to the training of a new generation of highly qualified specialists in demand in the modern labor market.

The integration of the Russian education system into the world educational system has led to reforms in the field of educational space. In connection with the transition to a two-level system of higher education, the priority direction of the design and organization of the educational process at the university is the individualization of education, the training of a competitive specialist, the formation of future graduates' professional qualities and the ability to adapt to constantly changing socio-economic conditions. New educational standards presuppose not only and not so much the reproduction of acquired knowledge, abilities and skills, but the student's ability to apply them in specific practical activities. The intensive development of science and technology requires a specialist to constantly improve the level of professionalism in the chosen field, including the exchange of experience with foreign colleagues, the development of the ability to creatively process the constantly increasing flow of information and its application in practice.

At the present stage of social development, language education is becoming not just one of the components of the educational process, but a necessity dictated by globalization. That is why knowledge of a foreign language is considered by us as an integral part of the competence of a specialist of any profile. In this regard, the issues of effective teaching a foreign language, problems and prospects of foreign language education are of particular relevance.

The competence-based approach presupposes the presence in the new Federal State Educational Standards of general cultural and professional competencies, which should be formed in the student in the learning process. Thus, some educational standards stipulate that a graduate, in particular, must have such competence as the readiness to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages ​​to solve the problems of professional activity (OPK-2) [6]. it can be concluded that the requirements for proficiency in a foreign language are quite high. In particular, the graduate must know the lexical minimum and special terminology sufficient for foreign language communication, including in the framework of professional activities. In addition, he should possess the methods of orientation in authentic sources of information on professional topics, the skills of writing his own point of view, as well as the experience of public speaking and conducting discussions in a foreign language.

The competence model assumes the expansion of students' independent work, the main condition of which is the competent formulation and specification of educational goals, as well as the creation of positive motivation for students to learn the language. In this regard, there is a need to redistribute the volume of educational material, taken out for independent work.

Analyzing the current situation in the education system, the work of researchers and methodologists in the field of organization and implementation of independent work [3; 5], it should be noted that the teaching staff is faced with the task of adjusting curricula and choosing adequate pedagogical technologies. For the successful implementation of this task, it is necessary to solve the following issues: the study of the initial level of knowledge and skills of students, planning and methodological aspects of independent work, optimization of the management of educational activities and the organization of educational and research work of students. G.P. Bukharina proposes to use a multilevel approach when designing a system of tasks aimed at developing students' practical skills in the field of professional activity, and identifies three levels of tasks according to the degree of complexity. Tasks of the first level provide for reproductive assimilation of material based on an algorithm; tasks of the second level are aimed at developing the analytical skills of students and are concentrated mainly in the framework of independent work of students; tasks of the third level involve the use of infocommunication technologies and are aimed at developing the creative potential of the future graduate [1]. Based on this point of view and our own pedagogical experience, we can propose the following organization of such a hierarchy in teaching a foreign language, aimed at the formation of general professional competence (OPK-2) among students . The first level of assignments includes working with general and professional vocabulary, grammatical minimum, audio materials and educational texts (in particular, annotating and note-taking according to the proposed model). At this stage of studying the topic, special attention is paid to the development and improvement of the skills of monologue and dialogical speech and writing. For this purpose, we consider it expedient to use exercises , including their preparation of a thematic oral message according to a given algorithm, drawing up a dialogue and writing letters to Russian-language articles according to the model. Tasks of the second level allow to form analytical skills and are focused on classroom and extracurricular independent work of students, taking into account their individual characteristics, inclinations and interests. At this stage, it is proposed to write annotations, reviews, abstracts in a foreign language, as well as an analysis of English-language resources in the preparation of reports and presentations, followed by speaking at conferences and seminars. Tasks of the third level contribute to the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in teaching a foreign language in the format of a competency-based approach. At this stage, students develop and defend projects within the framework of professional interests, solve situational problems and participate in international activities. Research work of students as the highest form of organizing independent work involves writing articles and participating in seminars and conferences in a foreign language. In addition, this includes the protection of the portfolio, which allows you to assess the degree of formation of the student's competencies and the level of his readiness to carry out professional activities. Currently, in the context of globalization, the use of infocommunication technologies is an obligatory component of the educational process. However, the specificity of the use of information technology in the design of tasks at all stages of training and was previously considered in the works of domestic and foreign researchers [2; four; 7; 8]. Pedagogical practice shows that electronic testing not only gives the student the opportunity to work on complex aspects of the studied discipline and independently control the degree and completeness of mastering the educational material, but also allows the teacher to objectively evaluate the student's work. Active international cooperation in all spheres of human activity requires proficiency in a foreign language at a sufficiently high level. In this regard, language education in the context of globalization is undergoing complex changes and modernization, which implies the introduction of innovative technologies into educational activities and the development of a qualitatively new educational concept. Consequently, a well-developed and applied system of tasks, combining the traditions and innovations of Russian and foreign education, the use of interdisciplinary relations and the introduction of new forms and methods of organizing the educational process in a foreign language, contribute to improving the quality of graduate training.

Список литературы

1. Bukharina G. P. Implementation of the competence-based approach in the organization of students' independent work (IWS) [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 05/31/2016).

2. Efremova N. F. Test control of the quality of educational achievements in education: diss . … D. Ped . n. Rostov-on-Don , 2003.458 p.

3. Kuprina OG Organization of independent work of students at the university in the study of foreign languages // Higher education today. 2011. No. 5. S. 78-80.

4. Nepomnyashchaya S., Khokhlova T., Abalikhina E. Computer testing: pros and cons (on the method of using in the educational process) // Alma mater . 2006. No. 6. S. 9-14.

5. Tyurnikova G., Filatova O., Proshkina I., Ilyina Yu., Semenova E. Organization of students' independent work is a condition for the implementation of the competence-based approach // Higher education in Russia. 2008. No. 10. S. 93-97.

6. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the areas of bachelor's degree [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 05/31/2016).

7. Bartram D., Hambleton RK Computer-based testing and the Internet: issues and advances. UK, Chichester, West Sussex, 2006.272 p.

8. Parshall CG, Spray JA, Kalohn JC, Davey TC Practical considerations in computer-based testing. NY, 2002.232 p

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