Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the relation-ship between the phenomena of "personal life-ability" and "reflection" in senior schoolchildren and students. It is known that the period from 16 to 25 years is one of the most important stages in the formation of personal maturity. During this age period, a person acquires the basic knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of future professional activities. A system of value orientations is formed that determine the orientation of the individual, the attitude to the world, to other people and to himself, giving meaning and direction to the social position of the young person. In addition, during this period, a person learns a wide range of options for defensive reflection, on the basis of which he forms stereotypes of defensive behavior that allows only to locally facilitate the experience, and not to radically solve the problem. The article notes that the main behavioral strategies that young people choose in unfavorable conditions are pathogenic in nature and form a dependence on the experience of various emotional states. As a result, such dependence does not allow solving the problem, but only locally, in the situation here and now, facilitates negative feelings of guilt, shame, envy, resentment.

Ключевые слова:
high school age, student age, personality vitality, reflection, sano-genic reflection, protective reflection
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The relevance of the study is dictated by the need for practice in the knowledge of new psychological mechanisms, intrapersonal resources that allow optimal organization of the educational process aimed at the professional development of senior schoolchildren and students. One of these mechanisms is reflection. The study of the peculiarities of reflection in schoolchildren and students in this context is very relevant.

Based on the analysis of experimental data on the phenomenon of personal vitality and sanogenic reflection as a factor in the development of stress resistance, emotional competence and resistance of the individual to adverse factors of the surrounding world, we put forward the assumption that sanogenic reflection can be a factor contributing to the development of personal vitality. In this regard, we set out to study the differences in the indicators of personal vitality and defensive reflection in senior schoolchildren and students.

At present, the viability of the individual is becoming more and more popular as an opportunity to ensure the individual's own psychological, social and physical well-being. Due to the vitality, the intrapersonal resources of a person are actualized in an ever-changing social environment, in difficult life circumstances. The value system, positive socio-psychological attitudes, in relation to various spheres of human life, including communication and joint activities, contribute to the choice of constructive behavioral programs that are appropriate to the social context and the values of the individual. The theme of life-ability takes on a special meaning when it comes to the developing personality, the personality of a child, a teenager, a student. In this regard, the search for factors that increase the vitality of the individual seems to us an extremely urgent problem for modern science and practice.

From our point of view, such a factor is sanogenic reflection. It contributes to the harmonization of internal mental development and external conditions of life and allows a person to maintain resistance to the adverse influences of the surrounding world. In a stressful situation, sanogenic reflection helps to reduce the suffering from the experience of the corresponding emotion (Morozyuk S.H) [10; p. 67]. The function of sanogenic reflection is to recognize the stereotypes of thinking and behavior programs that trigger negative emotions that destroy human health (Orlov Yu. M., Morozyuk S. N.) [12]. In other words, sanogenic reflection is aimed at awareness of psychological defenses and regulation of the individual's emotional states.

Materials and methods

The study was conducted on the basis of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow) and the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth "Istoki" (Sergiev Posad). The study involved students of the historical and mathematical faculties in the number of 45 people and teenagers 17-18 years old, studying in the senior classes of MBU Secondary School No. 4, 18, 21 in the number of 41 people. A total of 86 people took part in the study.

The following research methods were used: the projective "Cognitive-emotive test" (Orlov Yu. M., Morozyuk S. N.) [13] and the method "Viability of an adult person" (Makhnach A.V.) [8]. The last test is designed for use in the audience from 18 years old and up to the late age.

Results and discussion

After conducting an empirical study using the above methods and research methods, we analyzed the results obtained. The differences in the viability indicators of the respondents of both samples are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 shows significant differences in the indicators " Self-efficacy "(0.43)," Internal locus of control "(0.32)," Adaptation "(0.56) and" Social and family ties " (r=0.48) in the samples of senior schoolchildren and students. This indicates the ability of respondents to display cognitive resources and actions in different ways to carry out a particular activity, as well as to achieve a goal. Students have a more responsible attitude to their actions. They are able to relate their interests to the peculiarities of the environment. They often seek support for coping with stress.

We also found that respondents show themselves differently in consistently performing work when achieving a goal. Students are more responsible about themselves and their lives. They feel more confident that they can cope with adverse conditions independently and successfully. They are less likely to act in accordance with their own system of spiritual and moral values than high school students.

High school students are less capable of self-regulation than students, they rely less on themselves; they solve their own problems in accordance with the moral priorities of their personality. Older students (compared to students) are focused on finding and solving problems, relying on themselves and on their own strength. They cope more effectively with the requirements of the environment, adequately assess the significance of the situation and its potential threats, the effectiveness and effectiveness of their own efforts, find meaning in actively solving the problem and positive meaning in difficult situations. They are able to establish an optimal balance of their interests in the environment, achieve socially significant goals, and effectively interact with the environment. Perhaps this is due to the usual conditions of the educational environment for older students, with the requirements imposed in general education institutions, schools: the way of life, the mode of school life, compliance with the schedule. Students are forced to adapt to alternative forms of learning and a new way of life, which requires each time from them adaptive forms of response, adjustment to changing environmental conditions.

At the same time, high school students do not consider family as a necessary factor for their viability.

The differences in the indicators of reflection in the respondents of both samples are shown in Table 2.





According to the data presented in Table 2, there are statistically significant differences in such indicators of reflection of senior schoolchildren and students, as: "the volume of defensive reflection from a sense of shame" (0.42), "aggression against oneself" (0.54)," rationalization of object depreciation (0.46)"," protection from guilt "(0.48)," protection from envy "(0.45) and" sanogenic thinking " (0.43). These differences allow us to say that students are more likely to experience feelings of shame and more often resort to discrediting the object of desire due to the existing difficult situations that require their solution. They are less envious than school children, and they are less likely to experience guilt and aggression against themselves. In turn, schoolchildren have a more pronounced indicator of "sanogenic thinking", they are less shy and, like students, tend to devalue the object of desire in difficult situations. They are more prone to envy, a tendency to experience feelings of guilt and aggression against themselves.


As a result of the conducted research, it was proved that despite the main unifying feature of modern high school students and students – the focus on professional education and knowledge of the surrounding world-their personal characteristics as subjects of life activity, as well as the features of their vitality and reflection are very specific. Nevertheless, with a pronounced individualism of both, defending their interests, striving for independence and intellectual potential, neither high school students nor students can independently cope with life's difficulties, allocate time and mental resources, and plan their activities.

It was also found that students are more likely to experience feelings of shame, but unlike schoolchildren, they are less envious, they are less likely to experience guilt and aggression against themselves.

In turn, schoolchildren have a more pronounced indicator of "sanogenic thinking", they are less shy, they are more prone to envy, a tendency to experience feelings of guilt and aggression against themselves. However, like students, schoolchildren more often resort to devaluing the object of desire due to the existing difficult situations that require their solution.

We consider it expedient and promising for us to further study the problem under consideration.

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