Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article considers the relevance of the manifestation and development of leadership skills in gymnasts with impaired acoustic ana-lyzers. We theoretically analyzed the concept of leadership and its influ-ence on the behavior in ordinary life, presented the main characteristics of leadership skills, and highlighted the role of a leader in a group or team. We presented the problem of socialization and physical adaptation of children with health limitations and their inclusion in modern society. We carried out a research and pedagogical experiment aimed at clarifying and identify-ing leadership skills, as well as their relationship with temperament and age. The experiment covered gymnasts with hearing impairments training according to the developed methodology of the formation of coordinating abilities based on the means and methods of artistic gymnastics. The test-ing was carried out in the form of a questionnaire according to the “Leader” method and Eysenck’s test. During the experiment, we obtained reliable data on the current development of leadership skills in the presented group of children. We conclude that different leaders will exist in any team or group. Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that lead-ership skills are inclinations, which turn into abilities, depending on time and place, and accompany a person throughout his/her life. The authors conclude that it is necessary to further investigate the de-velopment of leadership skills in boys with hearing impairments to study the influence of the methodology using the means and methods of artistic gymnastics.

Ключевые слова:
leadership skills; temperament; age peculiarities; physi-cal development; socialization; adapted physical education; children with hearing impairments; 7-9 year-old gymnasts; training; methodology; gym-nastics
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At the current development stage of society, there is a need to improve the quality of education, including special correctional education. Special attention should be paid to the creation of conditions for a comprehensive inclusion in the educational space and successful socialization of children with health limitations. One of the priority trends in solving the problems of the formation, preservation, and strengthening of children’s health at the current development stage of society is the search for new and more effective forms, means, methods, and technologies of teaching and upbringing, their introduction into the practice of educational, including special remedial, institutions. [1,2].

Hearing disorders have a biological basis. Children with hearing impairments have a dysmorphology of biological structures. As a result, the perception of sound signals coming from the outside world is impaired. This circumstance affects the psycho-emotional development of the child.

  Children of different ages possess some leadership skills helping them better adapt to interaction in life. The leadership skill is already manifested in some children at the age of 4-6 during their relations with peers; during games and competitions, such children usually take on the leading roles.

Leadership is the ability to influence people by encouraging them to strive to accomplish certain tasks on their own accord.

In Russian social psychology, the development of the leadership problem has had a rather complicated and sometimes contradictory nature. The first works in this area were the studies of S.O. Lozinsky, E.A.Arkin, A.S. Zaluzhnog, P.L. Zdgorovsky, et al. [3]. These works dealt with youth leaders, leadership, mainly in children’s organized and spontaneous groups and teams [3]. There have been no studies of leadership skills among gymnasts with hearing impairments, which indicates the scientific novelty of our work.

The realization of objective and subjective factors, as well as the role of socio-psychological conditions, influences the formation of relationships between athletes in a sports group. One of these factors is the socio-psychological phenomenon of leadership. We are particularly interested in the conditions and opportunities for the manifestation of leadership skills in a sports group seem.

 We should study the current leadership potential of children to investigate special forms and a method of organizing health-fitness and training sessions and competitions for gymnasts with hearing impairments, which will allow one to improve social and labor adaptation, including the improvement of leadership skills and, ultimately, help to integrate them into society, [4,5].

Based on the aforesaid, we see major potential in the study of the leadership skills of gymnasts with hearing impairments to solve the problems of adapted physical education. We carried out this study to check the correctness of our judgments.

Thus, we are faced with the problem to find out the current characteristics of leadership skills in gymnasts with hearing impairments and their relationship with temperament [6]. The solution to this problem, the theoretical and practical components of the research will allow us to further elaborate an effective methodology for the development of leadership skills in gymnasts with hearing impairments, which is a relevant problem. An integrated approach to the problem will effectuate the socialization and adaptation of disabled children in modern society [7,8].

Purpose of the research

Based on our testing, we managed to find out the actual possibility of the manifestation of leadership skills in gymnasts with hearing impairments and to reveal the dependence of leadership and temperament.

Research methodology and organization

The experiment was carried out in the form of testing, in an environment favorable for the participants, i.e., without the influence of any external factors [9].

The study involved 25 boys 7–9 years old with hearing impairments. The study lasted for 2 weeks.

The following methods were used during the study [10]:

1. “Leader” methodology – determining the manifestation degree of leadership skills, consisting of 50 questions. The test subject was asked to select and mark only one of the two proposed answers to each question. The manifestation degree of the test subject’s leadership skills was determined according to the key: weak, medium, strong, or this person, as a leader, is inclined to dictate.

2. Eysenck’s test - determining the type of temperament. Upon further analysis of the experimental data, we assume that the type of temperament does not affect the formation of leadership skills but it affects the behavior and initiativity style of the presented leader.

Results and discussion

Based on the analysis of the boys’ age from 7 to 9 years old, we can conclude that this factor does not affect much the formation of leadership skills.

The percentage is shown in Figure 1.

Manifestation of leadership skills











Figure 1 – Manifestation of leadership skills


In this group, 4 boys (16%) have leadership skills with a weak degree of manifestation, 18 boys (72%) - with a medium degree, in 2 boys (8%) this quality is strongly manifested, and only 1 boy (4%) is inclined to dictate.

We can conclude that there will be various leaders in any team or group. Even if a person is at the head of a group, he is not necessarily characterized by the basic leader skills. He will most likely have these qualities but he will also show a melancholic type of temperament, and, therefore, this person will be ineffective as a leader. The influence of temperament on leadership skills should be analyzed from the standpoint of the individual performance style [11]. There are three spheres of temperament manifestation: aggregate activity, features of the motorial sphere, and emotionality properties [12].

Aggregate activity is determined by the intensity and volume of human interaction with the environment - physical and social. A person can be inert, passive, calm, active, proactive, impetuous.

The motorial sphere is private manifestations of the aggregate activity. This includes pace, speed, rhythm, and the total number of movements.

Emotionality as a manifestation of temperament, including impressionability, sensitivity, impulsivity, etc.

Each of the spheres is reflected in all types of temperament; thus, they interact resulting in a certain type, which is inherent in the person throughout his/her life. A person’s temperament affects his/her activity, energy level, sociability, restraint, slowness, fatigue [13]. In a sports team, this will be especially evident during competitions.











Figure 2 – Temperament

Figure 2 shows that this sports group consists of 28% - sanguine and choleric types, 24% - melancholic type, and 20% - phlegmatic type of temperament.

Next, we will analyze the relationship between temperament type and leadership skills.

Temperament and leadership skills, in %
































Figure 3 – The relationship between temperament type and leadership skills

Figure 3 shows the relationship between temperament and leadership skills. In the presented group, leadership skills with a medium degree of manifestation prevail in the persons with a melancholic type of temperament and then in persons with a choleric type and a medium degree of manifestation [14,15]. We can conclude that individuals with a choleric type of temperament will struggle for leading positions, while the boys with a melancholic type will recede into the background.

Findings and conclusion

The development of leadership skills remains a relevant problem, which needs a quick and successful solution. Leadership skills contribute to the formation and development of personality in general and also have a beneficial effect on the process of socialization and adaptation, which is especially important for children with hearing impairments.

Analyzing the references, we conclude that leadership skills are inborn inclinations, which can develop throughout the life, formation, and development of a person under the influence of external and internal factors. They can also be the person’s abilities, which manifest his/her effectiveness for the successful implementation of certain activities.

Based on the study, we can conclude that leadership skills are inclinations, which turn into abilities, depending on time and place, and accompany a person throughout his/her life.

One of the important results of the manifestation of leadership skills in boys with hearing impairments is an increase in the level of socialization and adaptation of such children in modern society.

Further investigation of the development of leadership skills in boys with hearing impairments can cover the area of studying the influence of the methodology of training in artistic gymnastics.

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