Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article deals with the problems of innovative changes in the management of the personification of training in general and for students receiving higher education in the conditions of the penitentiary system. The results of research on the management of personifications of educational interactions from the standpoint of challenges and trends in pedagogy of the XXI century are presented. The authors propose the theory and practice of a personified approach in the management of student training, taking into account the peculiarities of the penitentiary system. The authors also consider some options for solving the problems of resocialization of student-prisoners through personification management when they receive higher education in places of detention.

Ключевые слова:
innovative change, personalized training, penitentiary system, personification management
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In recent years, interest in innovations has increased significantly, this is justified by the fact that they have become one of the important factors of changes in all economic and social spheres. Informatively, innovative management in the XXI century acts as a unique field of activity: such spheres of knowledge as technology, economics and ecology, social psychology and sociology, professional pedagogy and social pedagogy, fundamental applied sciences, theoretical and practical aspects, as well as strategy and management tactics in general [1].

However, scientific pedagogical research pays insufficient attention to innovative changes in management from the standpoint of challenges and trends in pedagogy of the XXI century. This explains the relevance of the study of the theory and practice of a personified approach in the management of student training, taking into account the peculiarities of the penitentiary system [2].

Personalized education (or personalized approach in education) is a way of designing and implementing the educational process, in which the student acts as a full-fledged subject of educational activity. The personalized approach is based on the position that a student learns and develops better if he is motivated, active and if his individual characteristics are taken into account [3].

We consider the management of personifications of educational interactions from the standpoint of challenges and trends in pedagogy of the XXI century, such as:

  1. The use of digital services and platforms in the organization of the learning process and management of an educational organization, allowing to transform the management system, speed up information processing processes and, ultimately, personalize the educational requests of students;
  2. Formation of an information space based on knowledge, ensuring the right of a citizen and a person to objective, reliable, safe information and creating conditions for meeting the need for constant, continuous development, obtaining high-quality and reliable information, new competencies, expanding horizons;
  3. The use of electronic, digital and robotic technologies, which provide the most active processes of transformation of pedagogy of the XXI century towards individualization and personification of educational activities;
  4. Organization of management of the learning process in conditions of social constraints, taking into account the personal requests of students.

Building an effective management system for the personalized training of students in the penitentiary system is impossible without using the innovative, technological potential of modern educational technologies and taking into account the constraining factors caused by the very essence of the penitentiary system.

We see a personalized approach in the management of student training, taking into account the peculiarities of the penitentiary system, as a process of building a personalized educational trajectory for each student, in which, along with the student's personality, his needs and life goals, essential factors influencing the development of a personalized learning path are the actual conditions for organizing the process training, conditioned by the regime factors of the student's maintenance, the technical and technological capabilities of the correctional institution and the educational organization that manages the learning process. An important factor is also the social and socio-psychological relations that exist within the correctional institution, which affect the formation of opinions about the resocializing role of education and, ultimately, the motivation of students.

In the course of many years of research on the problem we declared, specific organizational and socio-psychological conditions were identified that significantly affect the management and implementation of the educational process in conditions of imprisonment, taking into account these factors, a structural-logical model of personified professional training of students in the penitentiary system was designed and pedagogical conditions.

Speaking about the special conditions for managing the educational process in a correctional institution, we primarily talk about the following factors that directly affect the implementation of the proposed model of personalized professional training of students in the penitentiary system:

  1. Determination of the order of organization and time for training and self-study not by the student, but by the requirements of the functioning of the regime object, the goals and objectives of the functioning of which do not coincide with the goals of the student's personality and the tasks of the teaching organization;
  2. Lack of specially equipped premises for organizing training in programs of higher professional education;
  3. The impossibility of using traditional forms of education due to organizational and economic factors, since in fact, in a separate correctional institution, from 1 to 20 students study, who have no coincidence either in the direction of training or in the stage of mastering educational programs;
  4. The difference in personality traits, motivation, disposition for cognition and other individual psychological characteristics of the personality among students mastering the programs of higher professional education and the impossibility of exerting direct pedagogical influence on them;
  5. Inconsistency of the ability to learn, self-study, the use of intellectual capabilities with the requirements of the traditional system of higher education among students;
  6. A predominantly negative attitude towards the very possibility of receiving higher education by convicts, both from other convicts and from the leadership and employees of the correctional institution;
  7. Insufficient guarantee of the general availability of higher education;
  8. Difficulties in ensuring the continuity and continuity of education due to changes in the student's legal status (changes in the conditions for serving sentences both in the direction of mitigation and in the direction of tightening, changes in the place of serving the sentence, etc.);

Speaking about the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the presented model, it seems necessary to highlight their main groups:

  • Normative, taking into account the requirements of the current legislation on education, as well as legal guarantees of the convict to exercise the right to receive education;
  • Organizational, reflecting the previously indicated factors that are subject to consideration when organizing the educational process according to the program of higher professional education;
  • Technological, allowing to organize training in indirect interaction with the teacher and auxiliary pedagogical staff, and maximally personify training, depending on the characteristics of a particular person and the conditions of his training;
  • Socio-psychological, associated with the impact of the immediate environment, the reference social group (family, like-minded people, etc.) and society in the broadest sense on the formation of the student's motives both directly for learning and for further self-realization in decriminalized life.

It is the pedagogical conditions associated with the technology of education that are the innovative factor that will make it possible to talk broadly about the management of personalized professional training of students in the conditions of the penitentiary system.

The model we have constructed and the pedagogical conditions allow us to create and test the structure of management of personalized professional training of students in the conditions of the penitentiary system. The structure, built on the basis of scientific research in the field of pedagogy of the XXI century, a strategic view of management in education, a systematic approach to management, covers, at this stage, nine components of digitalization that ensure the quality of management through the use of digitization and equipping with digital services. The use of digitalization of management also ensures the efficiency and quality of individual elements of the personified training of students in prison: educational, administrative, educational, etc. [6].

Digital management tools for personalized training of students are:

  1. Digital core curriculum for vocational training;
  2. Personalized modular curriculum for each academic semester;
  3. Personalized curricula for each module of the personalized modular curriculum;
  4. Personalized educational route of the student in each academic semester with a level of assimilation that takes into account the educational achievements of the student in the previous period;
  5. Personalized educational trajectory of professional training;
  6. A reference system that helps to learn consciously and effectively in the zone of proximal development, including big ideas, scaled learning goals, assessment schemes (rubricators), cognitive techniques (student tools), etc.;
  7. Diagnostics, which helps to identify gaps in subject knowledge, as well as to draw up an individual student profile, which indicates his educational style, recommendations are presented so that he makes an informed choice;
  8. Educational strategies for realizing your own goals and recommendations regarding the content and structure of the educational program.
  9. Elements of a personalized approach, providing continuous assessment and adjustment of the individual characteristics of a student and ensuring the achievement of the maximum possible results of professional training. 

All the tools we offer are digital and are included in the electronic information educational environment of the educational organization and ensure the management of all interactions between the student in prison and the administrative, methodological, teaching staff, providing full-scale remote support of professional training.

 We understand that different pedagogical systems can emphasize different elements. However, the elements designed by us relate specifically to the personified professional training of students in the penitentiary system and provide the professional aspect of the student's resocialization in the course of the personified vocational training of the student in the penitentiary system. They contribute to the formation of a new system of professional knowledge and skills, professional values, professional ethics, which, ultimately, ensures the completeness of a positive change in the life attitudes and values of the convict.

The proposed solution to the problem of innovative management of personification in obtaining higher education in prisons allows a student who has undergone professional training to return to society with a guaranteed opportunity to engage in social and professional activities.

Список литературы

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