Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Being an ever-renewing process, education is influenced by the conditions of the historical epoch and the tasks that society sets for it. Accordingly, in a changing world, education faces the problem of obsolescence of theoretical concepts and methodological approaches. The increase in the speed of development of society and the economy, the activation of the mobility of the population in the labor market led to the transformation of the needs of the population in training, necessitating the practical implementation of the conceptual installation "education through life". The article states the importance of the principle of continuity in the education system, in which the state, companies and employees are interested.

Ключевые слова:
education, continuing education, corporate education, human capital
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The emergence of the concept of "education through life" was noted at the end of the last century and remains an actual research to which the works of scientists are devoted. (1, 2, 3, 4) In modern conditions, continuous education is necessary for every member of society, since it allows an individual to adapt to the conditions of a rapidly changing world. According to the researchers, continuous learning is the only way to meet the basic needs of human survival and development. In today's society, where the pace of technological updates is accelerating, and high-tech industries are emerging in an endless stream, the need for lifelong learning is becoming more and more urgent. (5, 6)

The high interest in the concept determines the definition of its significance for different levels: individual (employment opportunities, social integration), organizational (improving the competitiveness of the company, creating a favorable environment for personal growth of employees), social (forming active and highly educated citizens). An important characteristic of lifelong learning is its compliance with the needs of social and personal development of a person. This is a training system in which modern teaching methods are constantly used, training opportunities, time and space are flexibly selected and arranged by all economic entities.

The importance of implementing the concept of "education through life" within the framework of the Institute of Education at the present stage is also evidenced by the high interest in the development of strategic directions for the development of this idea on the part of world-famous public organizations. For example, according to one of the Sustainable Development Goals formulated by the UN, lifelong learning, which provides for constant monitoring of the educational needs, opportunities and achievements of the adult population forced to make particularly important decisions regarding sustainable development, is important for the effective functioning of the education system at the national level. (7)

Scientists in their research pay special attention to models of continuous additional education, also touching on aspects of the "education for life" model. It should be noted that T. V. Aslamova uses the concepts of "lifelong learning" and "lifelong education" not as synonyms. From the logic of the presentation presented in the article, it can be concluded that, according to the researcher, the model of "education for life" precedes the model of "lifelong learning through life". Lifelong learning plays the role of the foundation for the development of specific human capital, contributing to the satisfaction of the needs of the individual in self-development, as well as solving the "problem of adaptation to changing conditions". (8)

Following the analyzed concept, we note that at the present stage in the internal environment of large corporations and national companies, there is a widespread tendency to create their own institute of education – a corporate university. (9) The Corporate University is an internal division of the company, whose activities are aimed at improving the quality of the company's workforce and the productivity of employees at all levels.

Corporate education at the present stage is the most effective tool for the development of human capital in the company and allows you to implement a policy of sustainable development, provide competitive advantages and innovative capital. (10, 11) The concept of "lifelong learning" is the concept of the survival of the enterprise in the new century and the only way to the sustainable development of all segments of society. (12) Lifelong learning is the main driving force of the continuous development of the corporation. Moreover, corporate employee training is a key element of stimulating the company's sustainable development and determines the company's future market share. The expansion from individual training to group training, from partial training to training of all personnel, from "step-by-step training" to "continuous training", from "transfer of knowledge and skills" to "increase the ability to learn" has become the main trend in corporate training management. Corporate training refers to the training of employees in knowledge and skills in accordance with the working needs, so that employees can acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct their professional activities. As the cells of the national economy, the development of enterprises contributes to the healthy and sustainable development of the national economy and the achievement of social harmony and stability. (13, 14, 15)

Corporate training, which is based on the principles of the "lifelong learning" concept, meets the requirements of a high level of adaptability and individualization of the learning process, openness and accessibility of educational teaching materials, the establishment of flexible and more free and friendly relations in the employee-company relationship, the formation of in-demand competencies in the learning process, motivation for the development of self-learning skills among employees, the development of communication skills.

Corporate training can be implemented using different forms. Among the most common are "on-the-job training, corporate development programs, e-learning, internal coaching, external conferences and events, off-the-job training, educational courses, blended learning, intra-corporate knowledge exchange, internal internships and rotation, social training, virtual classes, MOOK". (16) Consequently, the variety of forms that can be used in corporate training allows the company to choose the most rational form, to individualize the learning process based on the needs of students.

From the above, we can conclude that corporate education has become an absolute necessity to meet the needs of labor personnel and enterprises. On the one hand, it provides an opportunity for the company's employees to achieve the realization of the need for continuous training. The development of the need for continuous acquisition of knowledge, the desire of a person to resist in the conditions of competitive competition in the labor market, as well as the requirements of the modern era and rapid scientific progress, necessitated the transformation of the institute of education. Continuous learning has become an integral value of modern man. On the other hand, corporate education is necessary for the enterprise itself, since it allows it to satisfy its need for the formation of a highly qualified workforce.

Список литературы

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