Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The task of improving the quality of training for nurses is exacerbated in the current context of understanding the problems associated with the organization of medical care for the population in a pandemic. Practical medicine states an acute shortage of nurses, paramedics, relying on approximate data on their number in 120 thousand people. In this regard, at the level of the country's leadership, it is planned to regulate the reduction of the training time for specialists in demand by 8 months. This causes great tension in educational organizations, especially in those where attempts are being made to introduce innovative pedagogical technologies. The author describes his technology for the safety of the educational environment in the context of individualization of the professional training of middle-level medical personnel. She substantiates her position by analyzing the problems of national and foreign teaching practice and research data on satisfaction with the quality of teaching activities in the college of employers and students. The conclusion is made about the ways to accelerate the introduction of innovative technology.

Ключевые слова:
nurses, paramedics, innovative technologies for training medical personnel
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The demand for improving the quality of training of nurses is increasing globally. M. Kunst et al. (Kunst, 2018) points to a prospective nursing shortage of 10 million. A similar situation is in Belarus (Matveychik, 2020) and other CIS countries. In the analysis of national practices, the shortage of paramedical personnel is estimated at 133 thousand (Gorbacheva, 2019, https://www.ng.ru/health/2019-04-02/8_7546_personnel.html?print=Y) and 120 thousand people (RIA.ru, 2020, https://ria.ru/20200226/1565222621.html). There is an annual outflow of 6-8% of specialists from the professional sphere due to systemic overloads, the discrepancy between the level of earnings and the psychological and physical costs of workers. In this regard, the task of not only improving the quality, but also accelerating the training of professionals able to withstand the psychological and physical climate of medical organizations, is becoming urgent.

The author has repeatedly presented his innovative technology at Russian conferences of various levels ("Continuing education: theory and practice of implementation", "Innovations in vocational and vocational pedagogical education", "Topical issues of the development of modern society, economics and vocational education", etc.) ... The essence of the technology lies in the implementation of a number of basic activities:

- research and comprehension of the orientation of individual trajectories of professional training of students to ensure the "subjectivity of self-actualization in the educational and professional environment." For this, the psychological propensity of future professionals to work with a specific social group - children, elderly people, resuscitation patients, etc .;

- provision of conditions for value-semantic regulation of the essence of individual life safety. For this, work is underway to strengthen the practical interaction of the college with medical organizations, which may become a place of work for graduates in the future, understanding the directions of tutoring of experienced medical workers in relation to students who will come to them for practice in the future;

- search for ways to expand the professional assets of college staff involved in organizing and teaching students and other activities. For this, the level of student satisfaction with the quality of the educational environment is ascertained and the level of professionalism of teachers is monitored.

To clarify the effectiveness of the use of the proprietary technology in September 2021, a study was conducted of the level of satisfaction with the quality of education and the safety of the educational space of students, as well as the level of development of their professional competencies on the part of employers.


Purpose of the study consisted in the verification of previously obtained data with the practice of implementing still elements of innovative pedagogical technology. To monitor the situation in September 2021, 272 students of 2-4 courses were interviewed through a questionnaire (specialization in nursing - 81%, in general medicine - 19%). 90% of respondents were full-time students, 86% were women, 14% were men. As a result of the study, it was necessary to find out the general opinion of students about the organization of the educational process in college, identify risky moments on the basis of processing statistical data and generalize students' proposals to improve the safety and quality of the educational environment.


Materials and methods

The author's position was based on current research reflected in the work of V. T. Vidkova (Vidkova, 2021). Despite the fact that the author describes the problems associated with the use of student translation skills from the English language, the very formulation of the problem of approximating the teacher's professional skills and the actual competencies of the student, the conditions for prompt response to the conflict moments arising in the learning process was important for us.

Attention is drawn to the studies of Elisabeth Solvik and Solveig Struksnes (Solvik and Struksnes, 1918) on the importance of modeling situations that arise in a professional environment. To compare with the conclusions of scientists, we carried out observations of the effectiveness of students' work in simulation classes. It is concluded that it is necessary to expand the variability of training sessions. Russian researchers drew attention to the need for such activities - (Laptieva, L.N. The role of simulation training in the professional adaptation of medical workers / L.N. Laptieva, T.V. Matveichik, O. P. Tsyvis // Nurse. - 2021. - Vol. 23. - No. 1. - P. 8-13. - DOI 10.29296 / 25879979-2021-01-02.)

Research results M. M. Malick, et al. (Malick, 2020) on the high efficiency of training with future pharmacists practitioners in comparison with professional teachers who do not work in pharmacy structures, helped to justify the installation of expanding the area of ​​tutoring on the part of practicing medical personnel.

The problems of medical training, presented in more than forty publications on specialized sites and journals (Cogitare Enfermagem, American Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, Nursing, Nursing, etc.) are considered. Analysis of the work of foreign colleagues allowed us to focus on an additional range of risk points in the organization of the educational process. Namely:

- an increase in the workload during a pandemic, in parallel with the informatization of medical services, requires the training of so-called "new nurses" who, unlike those working today and committing up to 75% of systemic errors in the first months of work, will be ready to avoid them;

- increased attention to the readiness of students to avoid mistakes in working with medicines. According to foreign data, “mistakes in medication lead to at least one death a day and injure about 1.3 million people in the United States of America every year.” in the names of medicines, in the labeling and packaging or misunderstanding of the instructions for the use of medicines "(Top 5 errors new nurses make / Best practices in nursing. Nursing education. - URL: https://laerdal.com/learn/best-practices-in- nursing-education /);

- organization of workshops on the elimination of nosocomial infections or minimizing their number, on mastering the skills of maintaining graphic documentation to ensure the safety of patients, to ensure good. pharmacological training, etc.


Results and discussion

Statistics from a broader study conducted in 2020, when 375 students were interviewed, showed that the overall level of student satisfaction with the quality of education in general is above 50%. The students expressed the highest degree of satisfaction with regard to the educational and methodological support of the educational program (95%), the least satisfaction was noted with respect to the material and technical support of the educational process (79.0%). Satisfaction of students with relations with teachers, accessibility and efficiency of contacts, as well as organization of extracurricular activities turned out to be high. According to the results of 2021, already 72% of respondents noted the high quality of the education they receive. 14% of students believe that it is necessary to increase the number of study hours for subjects important for their promising professional activity. At the same time, it was noted that 44% of respondents are not satisfied with the quality of scheduling. This is most likely due to the fact that it is compiled as operational, and is in demand for at least 2 weeks or a month, since 26% of students systematically combine study with work in their future profession, and 24% periodically.

The 2021 survey made it possible to clarify the tasks of ensuring the safety of the educational process through measures to improve the work of the canteen (buffet), provide students with drinking water, etc.

 A survey of employers conducted in 2020, in the role of which were 26 people, showed that in 100% of cases there was complete satisfaction with the theoretical training of students and the level of development of practical skills. Satisfaction with the quality of training a graduate to manage a group (team) of subordinate employees is determined at the level of 92%. Only 75% of respondents consider the level of students' readiness to make independent decisions and positioning in the team as sufficient. Consequently, the task of individualizing educational trajectories in the context of the safety of the educational process has been actualized.


The data presented above made it possible to note that in the future, when implementing the author's technology in the college, the following activities should be continued:

- monitoring student satisfaction with the quality of education in individual disciplines and blocks of disciplines;

- analysis of the level of student satisfaction with the quality of training on simulation simulators, as well as compare it with the observations of full-time teachers and practitioners who take part in the training of students;

- expanding the educational field of the process of mastering the skills of working with information resources and new medical equipment;

- systematization of monitoring the quality of lecture and practical activities of the teaching staff, the use of simulations (layouts, models) of professional activity with mandatory "debriefing";

- mastering the methodology used by foreign colleagues through short repetitive sessions known as “low-dose high-frequency training”, which not only maintain competence, but also improve performance;

- expanding the range of objects of modeling in teaching students practical skills both in the conditions of simulating medical processes and in solving problems of preparation for self-actualization in teams;

- mastering the methodology of pedagogical assessment "distributed practice", which means immersion practice, when training is carried out over a period of time of at least one day of imitation activity, the process of integrating curricula (theory-practice), clinical variations and a range of complexity, using individualization and several options for learning strategies.

In general, it seems that the author's technology for the safety of the educational environment in the context of the individualization of the professional training of middle-level medical personnel has the right to be implemented and further developed.

Список литературы

1. Kunst, M. (2018). Front line of healthcare report 2018. Rising physician dissatisfaction in Europe signals an urgent need for change / M. Kunst, N. Chaturvedi, L. Plantevin, V. Di Filippo, D. Meyer, C. Rebhan - URL: https://www.bain.com/contentassets/294dfad7b9f94a4bb7b3c75cd90cfa7c/bain_brief_front_line_of_healthcare_report_2018.pdf

2. Matveychik, T.V. (2020). Human resources of health care of the future - the priority of today in the Republic of Belarus // Modern challenges of education and psychology of personality formation. Monograph. - Cheboksary: Sreda Publishing House LLC, 2020. - pp. 175 - 199.

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4. Vidkova , V. T. (2021). Merits of On-Site Oral Translation as an ESP Teaching Strategy Applied in 2 Successive ESP Courses for Students of Medical Optics with an A2/B1 Entry Level of General English (2019/2020; 2020/2021). Proceedings of the International Conference “Science and innovations 2021: development directions and priorities” (August 18, 2021. Melbourne, Australia). Р. 36-43.

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6. Malick, M. M. (2020). Nursing Students Perceptions About the Quality of Teaching of a Pharmacist Pharmacologist and a Nurse Pharmacologist at the University for Development Studies / Martin Mumuni Danaah Malick, Florence Asibi Ziba, Sufyan Adam Yahay. Текст: непосредственный // American Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. - Vol. 1. № 1. - P. 1-10. DOI:https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajnhs.20200101.11

7. Laptieva, L.N. (2021). The role of simulation training in the professional adaptation of medical workers / L. N. Laptieva, T. V. Matveichik, O. P. Tsyvis // Nurse. - Vol. 23. - No. 1. - P. 8-13. - DOI 10.29296 / 25879979-2021-01-02.)

8. Top 5 errors new nurses make / Best practices in nursing. Nursing education. - URL: https://laerdal.com/learn/best-practices-in-nursing-education/

9. The changing landscape of nursing / Best practices in nursing. Nursing education. - URL: https://laerdal.com/learn/best-practices-in-nursing-education/

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