Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article examines the problems of sustainable social and economic development of the region of the mineral and raw material cluster associated with the search for the effectiveness of personnel management at the enterprise level. It is stated that under the conditions of economic turbulence, stagnation of production, sluggish growth of real income and wages, the issue of motivation and its connection with labor productivity becomes a major goal. The conclusion is made that the motivation to la- bour exceeds the compulsion which is higher than the personal inclination to labour. In this case, the personal desire to effective work is low and sub- sequently it reduces labor productivity and increases staff turnover. The statement is justified that a decrease in the importance of external negative motives and (or) an increase in the importance of external positive incen- tives and internal incentives will lead to better motivation to work, which will contribute to an increase in labor productivity. In its turn, an enterprise with such attitude will be more resistant to external influences.

Ключевые слова:
motivation to labour, industrial region, financial security
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1. Introduction

The problem of achieving sustainable development is becoming more comprehensive and it covers all aspects of economic activity [1, 2]. In the existing system of knowledge about the parameters of the sustainability of economic development there is a number of scientific works, reports of research results of both domestic and international scientists [3, 4]. A special place is given to the issues related to the problems of financial stability of the country, industries, regions, enterprises and organizations. This situation is justified by the general theoretical approach which defines finance as a key element in the economic activity of any economic element in a market economy. This determines the importance of the theory and practice of financial stability as well as security which affects other types and levels of security such as investment, food, energy security etc. [5, 6, 7].

The aggravation of the situation in matters of sustainability of social and economic development and security was caused by the global economic crisis and a pandemic. Therefore at present the field of research on problems of stability and safety is constantly expanding while the number of "blank spots" that require more attention and study is also increasing. In the scientific circles the discussion about the directions of social and economic development and an increase of its sustainability is on the rise. An additional factor is the expansion of sanctions pressure on Russia, the assessments of which today are quite diverse [8, 9].

Results and Discussion

Statistical reports and the results of Russian and international scientific research and experts’ opinions were used as a data base for the application of the empirical methods. At the empirical level methods of economic monitoring, polling, interviewing and statistical processing were used. To assess the model of the motivational concept of personnel at a particular enterprise a technique was used that takes into account the advantages and disadvantages of many approaches to analyze the motivation of labor activity in an organization. As a basis we took and further refined the methodology of C. Zamfir “Working motivation structure”, which allows not only to determine the degree of internal and external motivation, but also to diagnose external motivation both positive and negative.

In this approach as in other methods of studying the motivational mechanism, there are weaknesses which are primarily related to the peculiarity of verbal behavior and the fact that interpretation of the results needs to take into account the limit of the data. We believe that conducting such an assessment of the organization's existing personnel motivation model is a more informative feedback than a dialogue with an employee since it is more difficult to obtain direct real information about satisfaction with motivation. This allows us to determine the discrepancies in the views of managers and the factual situation on this issue [10, 11]. On the basis of sociological studies conducted by various scientists in the field of labor motivational factors, a motivational model used in practice rather correctly reflects the realities of our time. In this model an individual's assessment of the importance of motivation factors at the same level of remuneration is correlated as follows. A person's inclination to labour has a greater motivational significance than an incentive to work, and this, in its turn, is of greater importance than compulsion to work.

The methodology for diagnosing the existing model of personnel motivation in an organization was tested in course of analyzing the effectiveness of personnel management at a small enterprise that provides security services. The survey was carried out in the category of "security guards" related to the main personnel which comprises 81% of the total personnel number.

On the basis of the group assessment the significance of each group of incentives was determined including internal, external positive incentive as well as external negative incentives in the personnel motivation model on an enterprise.

Consequently, at present, the company has developed a personnel motivation model in which the external positive motivation of personnel prevails over external negative motivation which is greater than the internal motivation. Thus, the results allow us to conclude that the motivation to work is superior to the compulsion to work, which is higher than the personal predisposition to work. This is not a perfect model; nevertheless it is not the worst option either.

In the context of increasing nonlinearity of macroeconomic processes the development of enterprises, especially in regions of raw and industrial profile, faces the problem of adapting the economic mechanism to the growing gap between the growth rates of production costs and income from the business activities. Personnel motivation has not been considered in isolation from the need to increase labor productivity and with the stagnation of wages and real incomes; economic actors are forced to revise the existing concepts of motivation. The analysis of the concepts of personnel management using modern methods showed that the concept of management is based on positive motivation of personnel that is the management prefers the incentive to effective work rather than compulsion.

Currently the tendency to adjust the management concept is to reduce the importance of external negative incentives and (or) increase the importance of external positive incentives and especially internal motives to be engaged in the work. If a company sticks to these trends the motivation to work will be more sustainable and will contribute to the growth of labor productivity. In turn, an enterprise with such policy will be more resistant to external influences. This will increase the stability of the financial results of the industry as a whole and will have a positive impact on the financial security of the region. Strengthening its financial security will lead to more predictable dynamics of social and economic indicators and an increase in the investment attractiveness of the region.

Список литературы

1. M. Muro, The Avenue, 21, 2 (2012)

2. D. Rodric, Journal of Economic Growth, 21:1, 1-33 (2016)

3. Manufacturing: The third industrial revolution, The Economist, 21, 1 (2019)

4. D. Gros, F. Mustilli, The effects of sanctions and counter-sanctions on EU - Russian trade flows (CEPS, Brussels, 2016)

5. Sanctions: how and when the EU adopt restrictive measures. URL:

6. S. Secrieru, Russia under sanctions: Assessing the damage, scrutinising adaptation and evasion (Polski Instytut Spraw Miedzynarodowych, Warszawa, 2015)

7. V. Kopein, E. Filimonova, T. Sinitsyna, T. Lantseva, N. Morozenko, E3S Web Conf., 41, 04038 (2018)

8. M. Rodrigues, Journal of Monetary Economics, 57:2, 175-188 (2010)

9. IMF, Seeking sustainable growth: Short-term recovery, long-term challenges (IMF, Washington, 2017)

10. V. Kopein, E. Filimonova, I. Kudryashova, K. Demidenko, E3S Web Conf., 41, 04036, (2018)

11. UN GA, Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development (UN General Assembly, New York, 2015)

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