from 01.09.2014 until now Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
GRNTI 10.27 Гражданское право
OKSO 38.05.01 Экономическая безопасность
BBK 674 Отрасли права
TBK 75 Право. Юридические науки
In article the questions connected with responsibility which comes at signing of the contracts are considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the concepts "intended breach of contract", "deliberate violations of contracts".
contract, responsibility, intended breaches of contract, deliberate breaches of contract
1. V. V. Vladimirova, N. Sidorkina Ah. Civil liability as a type of legal liability for breach of contractual obligations //State and prospects of development of the state and society in the conditions of modernization: dialogue of science and prospects of development of the state and society in the conditions of modernization: dialogue of science and practice proceedings Of the International scientific-practical conference. 2015. P.34-36.
2. Gongalo B.M. Otvetstvennost' po rossiyskomu grazhdanskomu pravu // V knige: Grazhdanskoe pravo Gongalo B.M., Alekseev S.S., Alekseeva O.G., Belyaev K.P., Valeev M.M., Valeeva N.G., Vasil'ev A.S., Volochay Yu.A., Gongalo Yu.B., Kirillova M.Ya., Krasavchikova L.O., Krasheninnikov P.V., Lisachenko A.V., Mayfat A.V., Murzin D.V., Novikova N.A., Semyakin M.N., Stepanov S.A.Fedorova E.V., Fedotov D.V. i dr. Uchebnik v 2 tomah. Moskva, 2016. S. 317-330
3. Kirpichev A. E. system of sanctions for violation of the Treaty: measures of responsibility, measures of operational impact, termination of the Treaty and non-legal sanctions/ / Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2016. N 7. P. 9 -16.
4. Puginsky B. I. the Theory and practice of contract management / B. I. Puginsky. - M.: Mirror-M, 2016. - 222 c.
5. Sinyavskaya M. S. Breach of contract and its consequences: comparative legal analysis " / / Actual problems of civil law. A collection of articles under the editorship of O. Y. Shilokhvost. Ninth edition. M.: Norma. 2015.
6. Shekhovtsova A. S., Kapishnikova D. V. Actual problems of civil liability as a type of civil liability / Actual problems of civil and business law collection of scientific and practical articles of the all-Russian scientific-practical conference for young scientists. Autonomous non-profit organization "Research Institute of actual problems of modern law". 2016. Pp. 11-14.
7. Gongalo B. M. Liability under the Russian civil law // In: Civil law Gongalo B. M., Alexeev S., Alexeeva O. G., Belyaev, K. P., Valeev M. M., Valeeva N. G., Vasiliev A. S., Volochay, Y. A., Gongalo B. Yu., Kirillova M. Ya., Krasavchikova L. O., Krasheninnikov P. V., Leschenko A.V., Mayfat A.V., Murzin D. V., Novikova N. A. Semyakin M. N., Stepanov S. A., Fedorova E. V., Fedotov D. V., etc. the Textbook in 2 volumes. Moscow, 2016. C. 317-330